Entre lo sobresaliente Captain America 49, donde se espera una revelación muy fuerte sobre la muerte de Steve Rogers,
Green Lantern Corps, Emerald Eclipse continua.
y Halo 4 al fin .
Amazing Spider-Man #591
Captain America #49
Dark Tower Sorcerer #1
Enders Shadow: Battle School #4
Halo Uprising #4
Incognito #3
Invincible Iron Man #11 2nd Printing
Lords of Avalon Knights of Darkness #5
Moon Knight #29
Moon Knight #29 Wolverine Cover
Punisher #4 Norman Osborn Cover
Punisher #4 The Hood Cover
Rampaging Wolverine #1
Secret Invasion Aftermath Beta Ray Bill The Green of Eden #1
Squadron Supreme #10
Sub-Mariner Comics #1
Sub-Mariner Comics #1 Martin Variant
The Stand: American Nightmares #2
The Stand: American Nightmares #2 Perkins Variant
Ultimate Wolverine vs Hulk #3 2nd Print
Wolverine #70 3rd Printing
Wolverine Noir #1
Wolverine Noir #1 Calero Variant
X-Factor #42
X-Men #508
X-Men #508 Wolverine Variant
X-Men Legacy #223
X-Men Legacy #223 Anniversary Cover
X-Men Legacy #223 Wolverine Variant
Action #876
Green Arrow Black Canary #19
Green Lantern Corps #35
Green Lantern Corps #35 Miglari Variant
Oracle #2
R.E.B.E.L.S. #3
Superman Batman #58
Trinity #46
Vigilante #5
100 Bullets #100
Air #8
DMZ #41
Fables #83
Mysterius: The Unfathomable #4
World of Warcraft #18
X-Files #6
3 Geeks Slab Madness #3
Beyond Wonderland #6 Mystery Cover
Beyond Wonderland #6 Blue Cover
Broken Trinity Aftermath Incentive Cover
Broken Trinity Aftermath Orange Blue Cover
Broken Trinity Aftermath Triple Threat Cover
Eureka #4 Cover A
Eureka #4 Cover B
Eureka #4 Incentive
Farscape #2 2nd Print
Farscape Strange Detractors#1 Cover A
Farscape Strange Detractors#1 Cover B
Godland #27
Gold Digger #104
Johnny Monster #3
LILLIM #2 (of 5)
Living Corpse Hack Slash Annual #1
Living Corpse Hack Slash Annual #1 Seeley
Man With No Name #9
Phantom Generations #1
Rex Mundi #17
Scribbles Kelsey Shannon Sketchbook #1
Soul Kiss #3
Star Wars Clone Wars #5
Strange Adventures of HP Lovecraft #1
Super-Zombies #2
Super-Zombies #2 Cover B
Super-Zombies #2 Virgin Cover
Tales of the TMNT #57
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #55 Deluxe Edition
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #55 Photo Cover
Walking Dead #60
Wind Raider #2 Suitor Cover
Zorro #12 Francesco Cover B
Zorro #12 Wagner Cover A
100 Percent HC
Batman Lovers And Madmen TPB
Casey Blue: Beyond Tomorrow TP
Exiles Ultimate Collection TP Book 1
Firebreather TP Vol 02 All Best Heroes Are Orphans
Foolkiller TPB White Angels
Iron Man Legacy of Doom TPB
JSA Vol 4 Thy Kingdom Come Part 3 HC
Mighty Avengers Vol 4 Secret Invasion Book 2 TPB DM Edition
Perhapanauts Vol 1 TPB
Punisher War Zone Prem HC Resurrection Ma Gnucci DM Ed
Spider-man Kravens First Hunt TPB
Supergirl Way Of The World TPB
Superman The Coming of Atlas HC
Tales from the Crypt Vol 6 U Tomb
War Is Hell First Flight Phantom Eagle TPB
Wolverine Dangerous Games TPB
Wolverine Logan TPB
G-Fan #87
Star Wars Insider #108
Star Wars Insider #108 Previews Exclusive Cover
Toyfare #142 DC Direct World of Warcraft Cover
Toyfare #142 Terminator Cover
Archie Digest #253
Betty & Veronica #241
Marvel Adventures Super Heroes #10
Simpsons Comics #153
Super Friends #14
Tiny Titans #15
Batman Black & White Statue SE Gotham Knight
Dark Knight Joker Poker Pack