Hola como todos los meses los invitamos a Dual City en Puebla, Puebla.
Este evento con más de 10 años de permanencia ha sido un gran escaparate para los fans de México.
Dual City se realizará en el salón Serdán ubicado en el Blvd Hermanos Serdán # 3320 A Colonia Amor
Frente al Hotel Presidente Intercontinental y Holiday Inn Express y a dos cuadras del Metrobus Hermanos Serdán.
Para más informes y pedidos escribenos a comicsmexico@gmail.com
miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013
Entre lo sobresaliente tenemos
Amazing X-men 1 con el regreso de Nightcrawler por Ed Mc Guiness y Jason Aaron
Mighty Avengers # 3 tie in de Infinity
DC comics nos presenta
Detective Comics # 25 tie in con Zero Year enfocandose en Jim Gordon
Batwing # 25 tie in con Zero Year
Green Arrow # 25 Tie in con Zero Year
Action Comics # 25 Tie in con Zero Year
Forever Evil # 3 donde esta la liga de la Justicia revelado.
Superman Unchained # 4 Jim Lee que más..
Para pedidos y más escribenos a comicsmexico@gmail.com
http://www.facebook.com/comicsmexico o visitanos en nuestro punto de venta
Amazing X-men 1 con el regreso de Nightcrawler por Ed Mc Guiness y Jason Aaron
Mighty Avengers # 3 tie in de Infinity
DC comics nos presenta
Detective Comics # 25 tie in con Zero Year enfocandose en Jim Gordon
Batwing # 25 tie in con Zero Year
Green Arrow # 25 Tie in con Zero Year
Action Comics # 25 Tie in con Zero Year
Forever Evil # 3 donde esta la liga de la Justicia revelado.
Superman Unchained # 4 Jim Lee que más..
Para pedidos y más escribenos a comicsmexico@gmail.com
http://www.facebook.com/comicsmexico o visitanos en nuestro punto de venta
Amazing X-Men #1 vol 2 |
Amazing X-Men #1 vol 2 blank cover |
Amazing X-Men #1 vol 2 manara cover |
Amazing X-Men #1 vol 2 nowland cover |
Amazing X-Men #1 vol 2 sketch cover |
Amazing X-Men #1 vol 2 young cover |
Captain America #13 vol 7 |
Captain Marvel #17 vol 6 |
Captain Marvel #17 vol 6 thor battle cover |
Cataclysm Ultimates Last Stand #1 |
Cataclysm Ultimates Last Stand #1 variant cover |
Daredevil Dark Nights #6 |
Emerald City of Oz #4 |
Fantomex Max #2 |
Iron Man #18 vol 6 |
Iron Man #18 vol 6 agents of shield cover |
Iron Man #18 vol 6 metropolis cover |
Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe #1 |
Marvel Knights Spider-Man #2 vol 2 |
Marvels Captain America First Avenger Movie Adaptation #1 |
Mighty Avengers #3 vol 2 |
Mighty Avengers #3 vol 2 eminem cover |
Mighty Avengers #3 vol 2 wimberly cover |
Painkiller Jane Price of Freedom #1 |
Painkiller Jane Price of Freedom #1 variant cover |
X-Men Legacy #19 vol 2 |
DC |
Action Comics #25 |
Action Comics #25 variant cover |
Batman Black and White #3 vol 2 |
Batman Superman #5 |
Batman Superman #5 variant cover |
Batman Superman #5 b&w variant cover |
Batwing #25 |
DC Comics Essentials Justice League #1 |
Detective Comics #25 |
Detective Comics #25 variant cover |
Earth 2 #17 |
Earth 2 #17 variant cover |
Earth 2 #17 bw variant cover |
Forever Evil #3 |
Forever Evil #3 villain cover a variant cover |
Forever Evil #3 villain cover b variant cover |
Forever Evil #3 villain cover c variant cover |
Forever Evil #3 b&w variant cover |
Green Arrow #25 vol 5 |
Green Arrow #25 vol 5 variant cover |
Green Lantern #25 |
Green Lantern #25 variant cover |
Movement #6 |
Phantom Stranger #13 vol 5 |
Stormwatch #25 volume 5 |
Superman Unchained #4 |
Superman Unchained #4 1930's variant cover |
Superman Unchained #4 bronze age variant cover |
Superman Unchained #4 golden age variant cover |
Superman Unchained #4 modern age variant cover |
Superman Unchained #4 reborn variant cover |
Superman Unchained #4 silver age variant cover |
Superman Unchained #4 villain variant cover |
Superman Unchained #4 b&w variant cover |
Swamp Thing #25 volume 4 |
Hinterkind #2 |
Trillium #4 |
12 Reasons to Die #4 |
68 Hallowed Ground #1 cover a |
68 Hallowed Ground #1 cover b |
Absolution Rubicon #5 |
Absolution Rubicon #5 wrap cover |
Absolution Rubicon #5 final justice cover |
Absolution Rubicon #5 electric blue incentive cover |
Afterlife With Archie #1 second print |
Alex + Ada #1 |
All Crime #2 |
Army of Darkness vs Hack Slash #3 cover a |
Army of Darkness vs Hack Slash #3 cover b |
Army of Darkness vs Hack Slash #3 cover c |
Army of Darkness vs Hack Slash #3 subscription cover |
Ballistic #3 |
Baltimore Infernal Train #3 |
Bettie Page in Danger #10 |
Catalyst Comix #5 |
Charismagic #6 vol 2 cover a |
Cyber Force #7 vol 4 |
Dark Shadows #22 |
Doctor Who Prisoners of Time #10 cover a |
Doctor Who Prisoners of Time #10 cover b |
Doctor Who Prisoners of Time #10 incentive cover |
Drumhellar #1 cover a |
Drumhellar #1 cover b |
East of West #7 |
Executive Assistant Assassins #16 cover a |
Executive Assistant Assassins #16 cover b |
Executive Assistant Assassins #16 cover c |
Fatale #18 |
Ghostbusters #9 vol 2 cover a |
Ghostbusters #9 vol 2 cover b |
Ghosted #5 |
GI Joe Cobra Files #8 |
GI Joe Cobra Files #8 incentive cover |
God is Dead #3 |
God is Dead #3 end of days cover |
God is Dead #3 iconic cover |
God is Dead #3 pantheon variant cover |
Green Hornet #7 vol 5 |
Green Hornet #7 vol 5 subscription cover |
GFT Wonderland Through the Looking Glass #2 cover a |
GFT Wonderland Through the Looking Glass #2 cover b |
GFT Wonderland Through the Looking Glass #2 cover c |
Grindhouse Doors Open at Midnight #2 |
Hit #3 |
Judge Dredd Classics #5 |
Last Zombie the End #5 |
Legends of Red Sonja #1 |
Legends of Red Sonja #1 subscription cover |
Lone Ranger #19 vol 2 |
Lords of Mars #4 ross cover |
Lords of Mars #4 subscription cover |
Lords of Mars #4 risque cover |
Michael Avon Oemings the Victories Transhuman #6 |
Morning Glories #34 |
Occultist #2 vol 3 |
Pathfinder Goblins #4 |
Pathfinder Goblins #4 subscription cover |
Penny for Your Soul Death #3 cover a |
Penny for Your Soul Death #3 cover b |
Protectors Inc #1 cover a |
Protectors Inc #1 cover b |
Protectors Inc #1 phantom variant |
Quantum & Woody #5 vol 2 |
Quantum & Woody #5 vol 2 pullbox variant |
Quantum & Woody #5 vol 2 lopez variant |
Quantum & Woody #5 vol 2 mckone variant |
Reality Check #3 |
Robocop Last Stand #4 |
Rogues #5 |
Screwed #6 cover a |
Screwed #6 cover b |
Screwed #6 cover c |
Shadow Now #2 |
Shadow Now #2 subscription cover |
Shadow Year One #5 wagner handdrawn cover |
Shadowman #12 vol 5 |
Shadowman #12 vol 5 variant cover |
Shahrazad #1 cover a |
Shahrazad #1 cover b |
Spawn #237 |
Steam Engines Of Oz #3 |
Suicide Risk #7 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #21 comicfolio |
Ten Grand #5 |
The Star Wars #3 |
Transformers Dark Cybertron #1 |
Transformers Dark Cybertron #1 subscription cover |
Transformers Dark Cybertron #1 variant cover |
Transformers More than Meets the Eye 100 Penny Press #1 |
Trish out of Water #2 cover a |
Trish out of Water #2 cover b |
Uber #7 |
Uber #7 blitzkrieg variant cover |
Uber #7 propaganda poster cover |
Uber #7 wrap cover |
Vampirella #36 neves cover |
Vampirella #36 parillo cover |
Walking Dead #115 second printing |
Warlord of Mars #28 df risque red cover |
Warlord of Mars Dejah Thoris #30 df risque red cover |
Wildwork #1 |
47 Ronin TPB |
AGC Collected Works Adventures Into Unknown Vol 5 HC |
Air Gear Omnibus Vol 2 TPB |
Airboy G8 TPB |
All Star Western Vol 3 Black Diamond Probability TPB |
Aphrodite IX Vol 1 Rebirth TPB |
Art Of Rube Goldberg HC |
Asterix Wheres Dogmatix TPB |
Batman Night Of The Owls TPB |
Caligula Vol 2 TPB |
Chester Brown Conversation HC |
Classics Illustrated Vol 18 Aesops Fables HC |
Crow Midnight Legends Vol 5 Resurrection TPB |
D Grey Man 3in1 Edition Vol 2 TPB |
Dance In A Vampire Bund Omnibus Vol 4 TPB |
Daredevil By Miller And Jason Omnibus HC new printing |
Death Note Black Edition Vol 4 TPB |
Django Unchained HC |
Doctor Who 3 Vol 3 Sky Jacks TPB |
Doctor Who Essential Guide To 50 Years Of Doctor Who TPB |
Doctor Who Offical Annual 2014 HC |
Fraction TPB new edition |
Green Hornet Vol 1 TPB |
Grimm Vol 1 TPB |
Harvey Horrors Chamber Of Chills Softie Vol 4 TPB |
Hawkeye Vol 1 HC |
Invincible Universe Vol 1 TPB |
Jeff Smith Bone Great Cow Race Artist Edition HC |
Judas Coin TPB |
Julius Caesar Campefire Edition TPB |
Jungle Girl 2014 Wall Calendar |
Justice League Of America Vol 1 HC |
Manhattan Projects Vol 3 TPB |
Marvel Firsts Vol 1 1980s TPB |
Marvels Thor Dark World Art Of Movie HC |
Midnight Ssecretary Vol 2 TPB |
Miss Fury Vol 1 Anger Is An Energy TPB |
Naruto Vol 63 TPB |
Oz Road To Oz TPB |
Peanuts Every Sunday 1952-1955 HC |
Plants Vs Zombies Lawnmageddon HC |
Pretty In Ink Women Cartoonists 1896-2013 TPB |
Quantum & Woody Vol 1 Worlds Worst TPB |
Robyn Hood Vol 2 Wanted TPB |
Roy Thomas Presents Briefer Frankenstein HC |
Sandman Omnibus Vol 2 HC |
Shield Origins TPB |
Squared Away Doonesbury Collection HC |
Taxidermied Art Of Roman Dirge HC |
Thanos Redemption TPB |
Uncanny X-men Vol 2 Broken PREM HC |
Vampirella Strikes TPB |
Wolfsmund Vol 2 TPB |
World War Blue Vol 3 TPB |
Yu-gi-oh 5ds Vol 5 TPB |
Archie Double Digest #245 |
Betty & Verinica Double Digest #217 |
Bravest Warriors #7 c2e2 cover |
DC Super Heroes Batman Harley Quinn Stocking Surprise YR TPB |
Garfield #19 |
Hulk Agents of Smash #2 |
My Little Pony Portfolio |
Pokemon Adventures Black & White Vol 2 TPB |
Pokemon Adventures Heartgol And Soulsilver Vol 2 TPB |
Pokemon Adventures Vol 19 TPB |
Regular Show #1 c2e2 cover |
Regular Show #5 cover a |
Regular Show #5 cover b |
Regular Show #5 house cover |
Regular Show #5 stanton cover |
Regular Show Skips #1 cover a |
Regular Show Skips #1 cover b |
Regular Show Skips #1 schwartz variant |
Regular Show Skips #1 stone variant |
Scooby Doo Where Are You #39 |
Hola esto es lo nuevo de la semana
Entre lo sobresaliente
Infinity # 5 con muchas variantes
Avengers # 22 tie in de Infinity y por cierto ya tenemos otra vez en existencias todas las variantes del 50 aniversario de los Avengers.
Deadpool Kills Deadpool # 4 fin de la historia de kills.
DC nos presenta más anuales como el de Green Lantern # 2, Swamp Thing # 2, Nightwing # 1, Aquaman # 1 y Teen Titans
También el esperado Damian : Son of Batman # 1 y finalmente el super super esperado Sandman Overture # 1

Entre lo sobresaliente
Infinity # 5 con muchas variantes
Avengers # 22 tie in de Infinity y por cierto ya tenemos otra vez en existencias todas las variantes del 50 aniversario de los Avengers.
Deadpool Kills Deadpool # 4 fin de la historia de kills.
DC nos presenta más anuales como el de Green Lantern # 2, Swamp Thing # 2, Nightwing # 1, Aquaman # 1 y Teen Titans
También el esperado Damian : Son of Batman # 1 y finalmente el super super esperado Sandman Overture # 1
Avengers #22 vol 6 |
Avengers #22 vol 6 50th anniversary cover |
Avengers AI #5 |
Avengers AI #5 duffield cover |
Captain America Living Legend #2 |
Captain America Living Legend #2 simonson variant cover |
Captain America Living Legend #2 vintage cover |
Cataclysm #0.1 |
Cataclysm #0.1 variant cover |
Deadpool Kills Deadpool #4 |
Guardians of the Galaxy #8 vol 3 |
Guardians of the Galaxy #8 vol 3 rivera cover |
Guardians of the Galaxy #8 vol 3 thor battle cover |
Infinity #5 |
Infinity #5 design cover |
Infinity #5 generals cover |
Infinity #5 hero cover Infinity # 5 Young cover |
Kick-Ass 3 #4 |
Kick-Ass 3 #4 sketch cover |
Punisher Trial of the Punisher #2 |
Scarlet Spider #23 vol 2 |
Superior Spider-Man #20 |
Superior Spider-Man Team Up Special #1 |
Thor Crown of Fools #1 |
Ultimate Comics X-Men #33 |
Uncanny X-Force #13 vol 2 |
X-Men Battle of Atom #2 |
X-Men Battle of Atom #2 ribic variant |
DC |
Action Comics Annual #2 vol 2 |
Aquaman Annual #1 vol 5 |
Damian Son of Batman #1 |
Damian Son of Batman #1 variant cover |
Damian Son of Batman #1 b&w cover |
Forever Evil Argus #1 |
Forever Evil Argus #1 variant cover |
Green Lantern Annual #2 |
Nightwing Annual #1 vol 2 |
Smallville Season 11 Special #3 |
Swamp Thing Annual #2 |
Teen Titans Annual #2 |
Sandman Overture #1 cover a |
Sandman Overture #1 cover b |
Sandman Overture #1 b&w cover a |
Sandman Overture #1 b&w cover b |
Vertigo Essentials Essentials V For Vendetta #1 |
Vertigo Resurrected the Extremist #1 new printing |
1 for Dollar Baltimore Plague Ships |
A Distant Soil #42 |
All New Fathom #3 |
All New Fathom #3 aspen cover |
All New Fathom #3 incentive sketch cover |
All New Fathom #3 incentive signed and numbered cover |
Ash & the Army of Darkness #1 |
Ash & the Army of Darkness #1 subscription cover |
Astounding Villain House |
Bionic Man #25 |
Blood Brothers #3 |
Bushido #5 |
Captain Midnight #4 |
Clive Barkers Next Testament #5 |
Criminal Macabre Eyes of Frankenstein #2 |
Crossed Badlands #40 |
Crossed Badlands #40 torture cover |
Crossed Badlands #40 wrap cover |
Crossed Badlands #40 red crossed incentive cover |
Danger Girl the Chase #2 |
Danger Girl the Chase #2 incentive cover |
Death Sentence #2 |
Department Of Monsterology #2 |
Dinosaurs attack #4 |
Edgar Allen Poes Raven & Red Death |
Ferals #17 |
Ferals #17 gore cover |
Ferals #17 wrap cover |
Ferals #17 slashed cover |
Final Plague #3 |
Five Ghosts Haunting Of Fabian Grey #6 |
Five Ghosts Haunting Of Fabian Grey #6 phantom variant |
Fox #1 |
Game of Thrones #17 |
Genus #95 |
Gi Joe #9 vol 3 |
Gi Joe #9 vol 3 incentive cover |
Godzilla Rulers of the Earth #5 |
Godzilla Rulers of the Earth #5 incentive cover |
Gold Digger #205 |
Grimm Fairy Tales No Tomorrow #3 cover a |
Grimm Fairy Tales No Tomorrow #3 cover b |
Grimm Fairy Tales No Tomorrow #3 cover c |
Grimm Fairy Tales Realm Knights #3 cover a |
Grimm Fairy Tales Realm Knights #3 cover b |
Grimm Fairy Tales Realm Knights #3 cover c |
Hellraiser Annual 2013 |
Hit List #2 cover a |
Hit List #2 cover b |
Hit List #2 cover c |
Itty Bitty Hellboy #3 |
King Conan Hour of the Dragon #6 |
Kiss Kids #3 |
Kiss Kids #3 incentive cover |
Knightingail Shadow Divisions #4 |
Knights of the Dinner Table #202 |
Legend of Oz Wicked West Ongoing #12 cover a |
Legend of Oz Wicked West Ongoing #12 cover b |
Mr Toast Comics #6 Little Lost Ghost |
Mice Templar Legend #8 cover a oeming |
Mice Templar Legend #8 cover b santos |
Prophet #40 |
Saga #15 |
Sex #8 |
Shadow Year One #6 cover a |
Shadow Year One #6 cover b |
Shadow Year One #6 cover c |
Shadow Year One #6 cover d |
Shadow Year One #6 blank cover |
Shadow Year One #6 subscription cover |
Shadow Year One #6 virgin cover |
Shadow Year One #6 handdrawn cover |
Shadow Year One #6 torres handdrawn cover |
Shadow Year One #6 wagner handdrawn cover |
Skyward #4 |
Soulfire #8 vol 4 cover a debalfo |
Soulfire #8 vol 4 cover b cafaro |
Super #2 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #27 ongoing cover a |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #27 ongoing cover b |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #27 ongoing incentive cover |
TMNT Villain Microseries #7 bebop and rocksteady |
TMNT Villain Microseries #7 bebop and rocksteady incentive |
Thought Bubble Anthology #3 |
Transformers Prime Beast Hunters #6 |
Transformers Prime Beast Hunters #6 incentive cover |
Transformers Robots in Disguise #22 cover a |
Transformers Robots in Disguise #22 cover b |
Transformers Robots in Disguise #22 incentive cover |
True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys #5 |
True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys #5 variant cover |
Warlord of Mars Dejah Thoris #31 anacleto cover |
Warlord of Mars Dejah Thoris #31 neves cover |
Warlord of Mars Dejah Thoris #31 rubi risque cover |
Wild Blue Yonder #3 |
Wild Blue Yonder #3 incentive cover |
Wildwork #1 |
Witchblade #170 |
Witchblade #170 silvestri cover |
Bad Houses TPB |
Batgirl Vol 2 Knightfall Descends TPB |
Batman Vol 3 Death Of The Family HC |
Big Book Of Bode Tattoos HC |
Cable And X-Force Vol 2 Dead Or Alive TPB |
Chronichles Of Conan Vol 25 Exodus TPB |
Classics Illustrated Vol 18 Aesops Fables HC |
DC One Million Omnibus HC |
Deadshot Beginnings TPB |
Dia De Los Muertos TPB |
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Vol 8 HC |
Doctor Who 11th Doctor Sonic Screwdriver |
EC Archives Tales From The Crypt Vol 4 HC |
Gantz Vol 29 TPB |
Green lantern corps Revolt Of Alpha Lanterns TPB |
Grimm Fairy Tales 2014 Wall Calendar |
Grimm Fairy Tales Unleashed Vol 2 TPB |
HP Lovecraft Shadow Out Of Time TPB |
Inhumans By Right Of Birth TPB |
Joe Kubert Tor Artist Edition HC |
Johnny Hiro Vol 2 Skills To Pay The Bills TPB |
JSA Liberty Files The Whistling Skull TPB |
Ladies Night Anthology Presents Vol 1 TPB |
Last Of Us American Dreams TPB |
Lucky Luke Vol 38 Doc Doxeys Elixir TPB |
Mara TPB |
Maria M HC |
Moomin Complete Lars Jansson Comic Strip Vol 8 HC |
Other Stories And The Horse You Rode In On TPB |
Planetoid Vol 1 TPB |
Rage Of Poseidon HC |
Revival Vol 1 DLX COLL HC |
Scarlet Spider Vol 3 Big Leagues TPB |
Superman Adventures The Man Of Steel TPB |
Superman The Man Of Steel Believe TPB |
Thor VS Thanos TPB |
Ultimate Comics Ultimates Disassembled TPB |
Usagi Yojimbo Vol 1 Ronin TPB |
Vampirella Masters Series Vol 8 TPB |
Vip Mad World Virgil Partch HC |
Wandering Son Vol 5 HC |
Witchblade Rebirth Vol 4 TPB |
Wolverine And X-men By Jason Aaron Vol 7 TPB |
X-o Manowar DLX Vol 1 HC |
Zombo You Smell Of Crime TPB |
Adventure Time 2013 Spooktacular |
Adventure Time 2013 Spooktacular doyle variant |
Adventure Time 2013 Spooktacular weidle variant |
Archie #649 |
Archie #649 variant cover |
Archie Comics Spectacular Its A Date TPB |
Avatar Last Airbender Vol 6 Search Part 3 TPB |
Barbie Annual 2014 HC |
HeroBear & the Kid Annual 2013 |
Marvel Heroes Little Golden Book Favorites #1 |
Marvel Universe Thor TPB |
My Little Pony Annual 2013 |
My Little Pony Annual 2013 variant cover |
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic #12 cover a |
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic #12 cover b |
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic #12 incentive cover |
Pokemon Annual 2014 HC |
Powerpuff Girls #2 vol 2 |
Powerpuff Girls #2 vol 2 subscription cover |
Powerpuff Girls #2 vol 2 incentive cover |
Samurai Jack Classics Vol 1 TPB |
Simpsons Illustrated #8 |
Sonic the Hedgehog #254 |
Sonic the Hedgehog #254 variant cover |
Sonic The Hedgehog Annual 2014 TPB |
Star Wars Annual 2014 HC |
Star Wars Clone Wars Annual 2014 HC |
Comic Shop News |
Fangoria #328 |
Marvel Previews #16 November 2013 |
Previews #302 |
Star Trek Magazine #47 newsstand ed |
Star Trek Magazine #47 px ed |
Star Wars Insider #145 newsstand ed |
Star Wars Insider #145 px ed |
Walking Dead Magazine #5 sdcc exclusive |
Entre lo sobresaliente
Secret Avengers 10 parte de Infinity
Wolverine and the X.men 37 parte de Battle of the Atom
De DC Comics
DC Universe vs Masters of the Universe # 2
Justice League 24 El origen del Crime Syndicate
Para pedidos escribenos a comicsmexico@gmail.com
o en http://www.facebook.com/comicsmexico
Secret Avengers 10 parte de Infinity
Wolverine and the X.men 37 parte de Battle of the Atom
De DC Comics
DC Universe vs Masters of the Universe # 2
Justice League 24 El origen del Crime Syndicate
Para pedidos escribenos a comicsmexico@gmail.com
o en http://www.facebook.com/comicsmexico
All New X-Men #16 second print |
Daredevil #32 |
Daredevil #32 thor battle cover |
FF #13 vol 2 |
Indestructible Hulk #14 |
Indestructible Hulk #14 lego cover |
Indestructible Hulk #14 lego sketch cover |
Indestructible Hulk #14 time travel cover |
Infinity Heist #2 |
Infinity Hunt #3 |
Iron Man #17 vol 6 |
Iron Man #17 vol 6 baby cover |
Iron Man #17 vol 6 lego cover |
Iron Man #17 vol 6 lego sketch cover |
Marvel Now What #1 |
Mighty Avengers #2 previews exclusive edition |
Nova #9 vol 5 |
Savage Wolverine #10 |
Secret Avengers #10 |
Secret Avengers #10 lego cover |
Secret Avengers #10 lego sketch cover |
Superior Carnage #4 |
Superior Spider-Man Team Up #4 nycc color exclusive |
Superior Spider-Man Team Up #4 nycc exclusive |
Superior Spider-Man Team Up #5 |
Thunderbolts #17 vol 3 |
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #28 vol 2 |
Uncanny Avengers #13 |
Venom #42 |
Wolverine and the X-Men #37 |
Wolverine and the X-Men #37 anka cover |
X-Men #5 2013 series second print |
Young Avengers #11 vol 2 |
Young Avengers #11 vol 2 thor battle cover |
DC |
Adventures of Superman #6 vol 2 |
All Star Western #24 |
Aquaman #24 Vol 5 |
Aquaman #24 Vol 5 variant cover |
Arrow #12 |
Batman #24 nycc exclusive |
Batman the Dark Knight #24 vol 2 |
Batman the Dark Knight #24 vol 2 variant cover |
Catwoman #24 vol 3 |
DC vs Masters of the Universe #2 |
DCE Essentials Sandman #1 |
Flash #24 Vol 4 |
Flash #24 Vol 4 variant cover |
Forever Evil #1 nycc exclusive |
Green Team #5 |
Injustice Gods Among Us #10 |
Injustice Gods Among Us #10 variant cover |
Justice League #24 volume 4 |
Justice League #24 volume 4 variant cover |
Justice League #24 volume 4 b&w variant cover |
Justice League Dark #24 |
Justice League Dark #24 variant cover |
Larfleeze #4 |
Red Lanterns #24 |
Red Lanterns #24 variant cover |
Superman #24 volume 3 |
Superman #24 volume 3 variant cover |
Superman Wonder Woman #1 nycc exclusive |
Talon #12 |
Teen Titans #24 volume 5 |
Teen Titans #24 volume 5 variant cover |
Tom Strong and the Planet of Peril #4 |
Unwritten #54 |
Aliens VS Parker #4 |
All New Executive Assistant Iris #2 |
All New Executive Assistant Iris #2 aspen reserved cover |
All New Executive Assistant Iris #2 campbell sketch cover |
Army of Darkness Reanimator |
Bounce #6 |
Bushido #4 |
Clone #11 |
Conan People of the Black Circle #1 |
Crow Curare #3 |
Dark Horse Presents #29 volume 2 |
Doctor Who vol 3 #14 |
Doctor Who vol 3 #14 subscription variant |
Doctor Who vol 3 #14 incentive cover |
Fanboys vs Zombies #19 |
Fever Ridge Macarthur Jungle War #4 |
Fever Ridge Macarthur Jungle War #4 variant cover |
Great Pacific #11 |
Green Hornet Legacy #42 |
Grimm Fairy Tales #90 cover a |
Grimm Fairy Tales #90 cover b |
Grimm Fairy Tales #90 cover c |
Harbinger #17 vol 2 |
Harbinger #17 vol 2 8-bit variant cover |
Harbinger #17 vol 2 variant cover |
Haunted Horror #7 |
Herobear and the Kid Special #1 nycc exclusive cover |
Judge Dredd #12 vol 7 |
Judge Dredd #12 vol 7 incentive cover |
Kiss Me Satan #2 |
Lazarus #2 vol 2 second printing |
Lookouts #6 |
Mass Effect Foundation #4 |
Massive #16 |
Mind Mgmt #16 |
Numbercruncher #4 |
Other Dead #2 |
Other Dead #2 subscription variant |
Other Dead #2 incentive cover |
Pathfinder #10 fares cover |
Pathfinder #10 gomez cover |
Pathfinder #10 virgin cover |
Pathfinder #10 black & white cover |
Pretty Deadly #1 |
Rat Queens #1 second print |
Rat Queens #2 cover a |
Rat Queens #2 cover b |
Robocop Last Stand #1 nycc exclusive |
Rocket Girl #1 nycc exclusive |
Rocketeer Spirit Pulp Friction #2 |
Rocketeer Spirit Pulp Friction #2 subscription variant |
Satellite Sam #4 |
Sex Criminals #1 second print |
Sex Criminals #2 |
Shrugged #4 vol 2 cover a |
Shrugged #4 vol 2 cover b |
Shrugged #4 vol 2 cover c |
Shrugged #4 vol 2 cover d |
Spider #15 |
Star Trek #26 ongoing |
Star Trek #26 ongoing subscription variant |
Star Trek #26 ongoing incentive cover |
Star Wars Legacy #8 vol 2 |
Supurbia #12 vol 2 |
The Star Wars #1 nycc exclusive |
Three #1 nycc exclusive |
Thunder Agents #3 vol 5 |
Thunder Agents #3 vol 5 incentive cover |
Transformers Regeneration One #95 cover a |
Transformers Regeneration One #95 cover b |
Transformers Regeneration One #95 incentive cover |
Uncanny #4 |
Uncanny #4 panosian cover |
Vampirella #35 neves cover |
Vampirella #35 parillo cover |
Vampirella Eva Dracula Halloween Special |
Vampirella Southern Gothic #3 |
Vampirella Southern Gothic #3 subscription cover |
Velvet #1 |
Walking Dead #1 10th anniversary edition nycc exclusive |
Walking Dead #115 cover n previews exclusive |
Wasteland #49 |
Wonderland #16 cover a |
Wonderland #16 cover b |
Wonderland #16 cover c |
X-Files Season 10 #1 fourth print |
X-Files Season 10 #2 fourth print |
X-Files Season 10 #3 second print |
Zero #1 second print |
Zombie War #1 |
Zombie War #1 subscription cover |
Answer TPB |
Antares Vol 3 Episode 3 TPB |
Archie The Married Life Vol 4 TPB |
Batgirl Vol 3 Death Of The Family HC |
Betty Blues HC |
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