Hola este domingo los esperamos en Dual City en el mismo lugar de siempre.
Paseo de San Francisco, en Puebla, Puebla con lo mejor del mundo del cómic.
Pedidos en comicsmexico@gmail.com
Dual City y Cómics México te tienen una gran gran sorpresa para este mes de Julio. Este domingo será revelada.
miércoles, 6 de junio de 2012
Hola esto es lo nuevo de la semana en Cómics México.
Lo más importante : Before Watchmen: Minutemen con lo que da inicio todas las precuelas de este clásico.
Earth 2 # 2 con las revelaciones de este número dadas a conocer el viernes pasado seguro se agotará. Aparta el tuyo.
Avengers vs X-men # 5 con el inicio de la segunda etapa del Crossover. No more Avengers.

Lo más importante : Before Watchmen: Minutemen con lo que da inicio todas las precuelas de este clásico.
Earth 2 # 2 con las revelaciones de este número dadas a conocer el viernes pasado seguro se agotará. Aparta el tuyo.
Avengers vs X-men # 5 con el inicio de la segunda etapa del Crossover. No more Avengers.
Age of Apocalypse #4 |
Age of Apocalypse #4 asm in motion variant cover |
Amazing Spider-Man Movie #1 |
Avengers Academy #31 |
Avengers Academy #31 asm in motion variant cover |
Avengers Black Widow Strikes #3 |
Avengers VS X-Men #5 vol 2 |
Avengers VS X-Men #5 vol 2 avengers team variant cover |
Avengers VS X-Men #5 vol 2 x-men team variant cover |
Avengers VS X-Men #5 vol 2 keown variant cover |
Avengers VS X-Men #5 vol 2 stegman variant cover |
Avengers VS X-Men #5 vol 2 stegman sketch variant cover |
Dark Avengers #175 |
Dark Avengers #175 asm in motion variant cover |
Defenders #7 |
Fury Max #3 |
Hulk #53 |
Invincible Iron Man #518 |
Journey Into Mystery #639 |
Journey Into Mystery #639 asm in motion variant cover |
Mighty Thor Annual #1 |
Mighty Thor Annual #1 adams cover |
Spider-Man Sabretooth Preview Book |
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #11 volume 2 |
Uncanny X-Men #13 |
Winter Soldier #6 |
Winter Soldier #6 asm in motion variant cover |
X-Factor #237 |
X-Factor #237 asm in motion variant cover |
DC |
Action Comics #10 |
Action Comics #10 variant cover |
Action Comics #10 black & white cover |
Animal Man #10 |
Batwing #10 |
Before Watchmen Minutemen #1 |
Before Watchmen Minutemen #1 variant cover |
Before Watchmen Minutemen #1 lee cover |
Detective Comics #10 |
Detective Comics #10 variant cover |
Dial H #2 |
Earth Two #2 |
Earth Two #2 variant cover |
GI Combat #2 |
Green Arrow #10 volume 5 |
Justice League #1 volume 4 8th print |
Justice League International #10 volume 2 |
Night Force #4 volume 3 |
Red Lanterns #10 |
Smallville Season 11 #2 |
Stormwatch #10 volume 5 |
Swamp Thing #10 volume 4 |
Worlds Finest #2 |
Worlds Finest #2 variant cover |
Fairest #4 |
I, Zombie #26 |
Sweet Tooth #34 |
30 Days of Night Ongoing #8 |
30 Days of Night Ongoing #8 variant cover |
Artifacts #18 |
Boys #67 |
Creator Owned Heroes #1 |
Creator Owned Heroes #1 american muscle cover |
Creator Owned Heroes #1 triggergirl cover |
Crossed Badlands #7 |
Crossed Badlands #7 torture cover |
Crossed Badlands #7 wrap cover |
Crossed Badlands #7 red crossed cover |
Dan the Unharmable #2 |
Dan the Unharmable #2 wrap cover |
Dan the Unharmable #2 retro cover |
Dejah Thoris & the White Apes of Mars #2 df risque red cover |
Dicks #5 |
Dicks #5 offensive cover |
Dicks #5 black & white cover |
Doctor Who Classic Series IV #5 |
Epic Kill #2 |
Extermination #1 cover a |
Extermination #1 cover b |
Extermination #1 cover c |
Extermination #1 cover d |
Extermination #1 cover e |
Extermination #1 cover f |
Extermination #1 cover g |
Fanboys vs Zombies #3 cover a |
Fanboys vs Zombies #3 cover b |
Fanboys vs Zombies #3 garza cover |
Fanboys vs Zombies #3 garza sketch cover |
Fanboys vs Zombies #3 ramos sketch cover |
GI Joe A Real American Hero #179 cover a |
GI Joe A Real American Hero #179 cover b |
GI Joe A Real American Hero #179 variant cover |
GI Joe Vol 2 #14 cover a |
GI Joe Vol 2 #14 cover b |
GI Joe Vol 2 #14 variant cover |
Gold Digger #139 |
Hack Slash ongoing #16 cover a |
Hack Slash ongoing #16 cover b |
Harbinger #1 vol 2 |
Harbinger #1 vol 2 pullbox variant cover |
Harbinger #1 vol 2 braithwaite variant cover |
Harbinger #1 vol 2 voice variant cover |
Hell Yeah #3 second print |
Higher Earth #1 2nd print |
Knights of the Dinner Table #187 |
Lady Death #18 |
Lady Death #18 sultry deco cover |
Lady Death #18 wrap deco cover |
Lady Death #18 art deco cover |
Legend of Oz the Wicked West #4 cover a |
Legend of Oz the Wicked West #4 cover b |
Lone Ranger #6 vol 2 |
Morning Glories #19 |
Mudman #4 |
Pantha #1 vol 2 cover a |
Pantha #1 vol 2 cover b |
Pantha #1 vol 2 variant cover |
Pantha #1 vol 2 black & whtie cover |
Pantha #1 vol 2 virgin cover |
Penny for Your Soul False Prophet #5 cover a |
Penny for Your Soul False Prophet #5 cover b |
Prophecy #1 |
Prophecy #1 black & whtie cover |
Prophecy #1 negative cover |
Robert Jordans Wheel of Time Eye of the World #26 |
Secret #2 |
Spawn #220 cover a |
Spawn #220 cover b savage dragon homage cover |
Spawn #220 cover c mcfarlane youngblood homage cover |
Spawn #220 cover d savage dragon black & white cover |
Spawn #220 cover e youngblood black & white cover |
Spawn #220 cover f mcfarlane black & white cover |
Spawn 20th Anniversary Special #1 |
Spider #2 |
Spider #2 black & white cover |
Spider #2 negative cover |
Spider #2 virgin cover |
Steamcraft #1 |
Super Dinosaur #11 |
Supreme #64 second print |
Supurbia #4 |
Swimsuit Steampunk #1 |
Thief of Thieves #5 |
Transformers Robots in Disguise #5 variant cover |
Trio #2 |
Voltron Year One #3 |
Voltron Year One #3 virgin cover |
Wasteland #38 |
X-O Manowar #2 vol 3 |
X-O Manowar #2 vol 3 variant cover |
Zorro Rides Again #10 |
Activity TPB volume 01 |
Alien Colonial Marines Technical Manual SC |
Amazing Spider-Man TPB volume 02 Vulture Readers Novel |
Avengers West Coast TPB Along Came A Spider-Woman |
Bart Simpson Out To Lunch TPB |
Batman Detective Comics Vol 1 Faces Of Death HC |
Boys Vol 11 Over The Hill With Swords Of A 1000 Men TPB |
Civil War Prose Novel HC |
Complete Little Orphan Annie HC volume 08 |
Creepy Archives HC volume 13 |
Danger Girl Revolver TPB |
Deadpool Vol 9 Institutionalized TPB |
DMZ TPB volume 12 The Five Nations of New York |
Doctor Who Ongoing 2 TPB volume 04 As Time Goes By |
Dungeons & Dragons TPB volume 01 Shadowplague |
Ed the Happy Clown HC |
GI Joe Volume 2 Cobra Command TPB volume 01 |
Green Lantern Corps Revolt of Alpha Lanterns TPB |
Infestation 2 TPB volume 01 |
Koma GN |
Pokemon Adventures Platinum Vol 5 TPB |
Prince Valiant HC volume 05 1945-1946 |
Red Lanterns Vol 1 Blood And Rage TPB |
Slam Dunk GN volume 22 |
Spider-Man Big Time Ultimate Collection TPB |
Star Wars Omnibus Droids and Ewoks TPB |
Trinity Graphic History of First Atomic Bomb GN |
Uncanny X-Men By Kieron Gillen Premiere HC volume 02 |
Voltron Force Vol 2 TPB |
Walking Dead And Philosophy TPB |
Walking Dead Novel Vol 1 Rise Of The Governor TPB |
Walking Dead Vol 16 A Larger World TPB |
Witchblade Rebirth TPB volume 01 |
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