Esto es lo nuevo para esta semana
Te recomiendo
Green Lantern 45, sigue la historia de Blackest night, y al fin como afecta a los otros Corps de otros colores.
Blackest Night : Titans 1, buena historia con arte de Ed Benes.
Flash : Rebirth 4 , se comienza a revelar cual es el verdadero plan de Dr Zoom.
Dark Avengers 8 , casi el final de Utopia.
Amazing Spider-Man #600 df exclusive
Anita Blake The Laughing Corpse-Necromancer #5
Avengers The Initiative #27
Avengers The Initiative #27 frame incentive cover
Beta Ray Bill Godhunter #3
Captain America #601 2nd print
Dark Avengers #7 2nd print
Dark Avengers #8
Dark Avengers #8 bianchi incentive cover
Dark Avengers #8 frame incentive cover
Dark Reign Elektra #5
Dark Reign Sinister Spider-Man #3
Dark Tower The Fall of Gilead #4
Dark Tower The Fall of Gilead #4 lafuente incentive cover
Dark Wolverine #77
Dark Wolverine #77 frame incentive cover
Dark Wolverine #77 sandoval incentive cover
Dark X-Men The Beginning #3
Deadpool #14
Fantastic Four #570
Fantastic Four #570 cassaday color incentive cover
Fantastic Four #570 cassaday sketch incentive cover
Fantastic Four #570 eaglesham variant cover
Fantastic Four #570 frame incentive cover
Guardians of the Galaxy #17
Guardians of the Galaxy #17 frame incentive cover
Halo Helljumper #2
Hulk #14
Hulk #14 churchill incentive cover
Hulk #14 deadpool incentive cover
Hulk #14 red she-hulk incentive cover
Incredible Hercules #133
Incredible Hercules #133 frame incentive cover
Incredible Hulk #600 df exclusive
Incredible Hulk #601
Incredible Hulk #601 golden frame incentive cover
Incredible Hulk #601 mcguinness incentive cover
Mary Jane and Friends Poster Book
Ms. Marvel #44
New Avengers #56
New Avengers #56 frame incentive cover
New Mutants #1 df exclusive
New Mutants #4
New Mutants #4 benjamin incentive cover
New Mutants #4 frame incentive cover
Nova #28
Nova #28 frame incentive cover
Riftwar #3
Runaways #13
Runaways #13 frame incentive cover
Secret Warriors #7
Secret Warriors #7 frame variant cover
Skrull Kill Krew #4
Skrull Kill Krew #4 cow incentive cover
Son of Hulk #14
Son of Hulk #14 breitweiser frame incentive cover
Spin Angels #1
Spin Angels #1 US variant cover
Timestorm 2009-2099 #4
Wolverine First Class #18
Wolverine First Class #18 miyazawa frame incentive cover
Wolverine Magazine #3
Wolverine Origins #39
Wolverine Origins #39 trimpe frame incentive cover
X-Force #18
X-Force #18 frame incentive cover
X-Men Forever #6
Batman and Robin # 1
Batman and Robin # 1
Batman and Robin # 2 Resurtido
Batman and Robin #3
Batman and Robin #3 tony daniel incentive cover
Batman Widening Gyre #1
Batman Widening Gyre #1 gene ha color incentive cover
Batman Widening Gyre #1 gene ha sketch incentive cover
Blackest Night Titans #1
Blackest Night Titans #1 (of 3) haberlin incentive cover
Detective Comics #856
Final Crisis Aftermath Ink #4
Flash Rebirth # 1 Resurtido
Batman and Robin #3 tony daniel incentive cover
Batman Widening Gyre #1
Batman Widening Gyre #1 gene ha color incentive cover
Batman Widening Gyre #1 gene ha sketch incentive cover
Blackest Night Titans #1
Blackest Night Titans #1 (of 3) haberlin incentive cover
Detective Comics #856
Final Crisis Aftermath Ink #4
Flash Rebirth # 1 Resurtido
Flash Rebirth #4
Flash Rebirth #4 sciver incentive
Gotham City Sirens #3
Green Lantern #45
Green Lantern #45 manapul incentive cover
Justice Society of America #30
Last Days of Animal Man #4
Red Circle The Shield #1
Superman #691
Supermans Pal Jimmy Olsen Special #2
Teen Titans #74
Wednesday Comics #8
Wonder Woman #35
Flash Rebirth #4 sciver incentive
Gotham City Sirens #3
Green Lantern #45
Green Lantern #45 manapul incentive cover
Justice Society of America #30
Last Days of Animal Man #4
Red Circle The Shield #1
Superman #691
Supermans Pal Jimmy Olsen Special #2
Teen Titans #74
Wednesday Comics #8
Wonder Woman #35
Gears of War Flip Book Resurtido
Gears of War Flip Book Resurtido
Madame Xanadu #14
Scalped #31
Unknown Soldier #11
Unwritten #2 2nd print
Unwritten # 1 resurtido
Scalped #31
Unknown Soldier #11
Unwritten #2 2nd print
Unwritten # 1 resurtido
Killapalooza #4
Wildcats Worlds End #14
Killapalooza #4
Wildcats Worlds End #14
28 Days Later #1
28 Days Later #1 incentive cover
Bad Kids Go to Hell #3
Boneyard #28
Boys Herogasm #4
Buck Rogers #3
Buck Rogers #3 B&W cassaday cover
Buck Rogers #3 rafael cover
Captain Action Comics #5 modern cover
Captain Action Comics #5 retro cover
Cerebus Archive #3
Citizen Rex #2
Darkness Pitt #1 keown cover a
Darkness Pitt #1 sejic cover b
Darkness Pitt First Look wizard world texas exclusive
Doctor Who Cold-Blooded War
Doctor Who Cold-Blooded War photo cover
Dynamo 5 #24
Frank Frazettas Sorcerer (1-shot)
Frank Frazettas Sorcerer (1-shot) medors cover
Gold Digger #110
Gold Digger Tech Manual #7
Grimm Fairy Tales #41 cover a
Grimm Fairy Tales #41 cover b
Impaler #4
King City #1
Muppet Show Treasure of Peg Leg Wilson #2 cover a
Muppet Show Treasure of Peg Leg Wilson #2 cover b
Phantom Generations #4
Predator #2
Project Superpowers Chapter 2 #2
Project Superpowers Chapter 2 #2 cassaday cover
Project Superpowers Chapter 2 #2 rare ross cover
Project Superpowers Chapter 2 #2 segovia cover
Red Sonja #47 batista cover
Red Sonja #47 neves cover
Red Sonja #47 rubi cover
Rex Mundi #19
Sherlock Holmes #4
Star Wars Dark Times #14
Star Wars Legacy #39
Street Fighter Legends Chun Li #4 cover a
Street Fighter Legends Chun Li #4 cover b
Tales of the TMNT #61
The Spider #1
Unknown #4 cover a
Unknown #4 cover b
Usagi Yojimbo #122
Zero Killer #4
ZMD Zombies of Mass Destruction #5
28 Days Later #1
28 Days Later #1 incentive cover
Bad Kids Go to Hell #3
Boneyard #28
Boys Herogasm #4
Buck Rogers #3
Buck Rogers #3 B&W cassaday cover
Buck Rogers #3 rafael cover
Captain Action Comics #5 modern cover
Captain Action Comics #5 retro cover
Cerebus Archive #3
Citizen Rex #2
Darkness Pitt #1 keown cover a
Darkness Pitt #1 sejic cover b
Darkness Pitt First Look wizard world texas exclusive
Doctor Who Cold-Blooded War
Doctor Who Cold-Blooded War photo cover
Dynamo 5 #24
Frank Frazettas Sorcerer (1-shot)
Frank Frazettas Sorcerer (1-shot) medors cover
Gold Digger #110
Gold Digger Tech Manual #7
Grimm Fairy Tales #41 cover a
Grimm Fairy Tales #41 cover b
Impaler #4
King City #1
Muppet Show Treasure of Peg Leg Wilson #2 cover a
Muppet Show Treasure of Peg Leg Wilson #2 cover b
Phantom Generations #4
Predator #2
Project Superpowers Chapter 2 #2
Project Superpowers Chapter 2 #2 cassaday cover
Project Superpowers Chapter 2 #2 rare ross cover
Project Superpowers Chapter 2 #2 segovia cover
Red Sonja #47 batista cover
Red Sonja #47 neves cover
Red Sonja #47 rubi cover
Rex Mundi #19
Sherlock Holmes #4
Star Wars Dark Times #14
Star Wars Legacy #39
Street Fighter Legends Chun Li #4 cover a
Street Fighter Legends Chun Li #4 cover b
Tales of the TMNT #61
The Spider #1
Unknown #4 cover a
Unknown #4 cover b
Usagi Yojimbo #122
Zero Killer #4
ZMD Zombies of Mass Destruction #5
A D New Orleans After Deluge GN
Authority Worlds End TP Book 1
Avengers Initiative Prem HC Disassembled
Cable Waiting for the End of the World TPB Volume 2
Complete Transformers ARK TPB
Cybertronian Transformers Guide PKT Manga Volume 1
Gantz TP Vol 06
Ghost Rider Trials and Tribulations TPB
Ikigami Ultimate Limit GN Vol 2
Immortal Iron Fist Prem HC Vol 05
Jennifers Body HC
Killer of Demons TP
MMW Incredible Hulk TP Vol 1
Reign in Hell TP
Secret Six Unhinged TP
Showcase Presents Eclipso TP
Stuffed GN
Tales from Wonderland TPB Vol 1
Transformers Best of the UK Omnibus
Transformers More than Meets the Eye Vol 1 TPB
Trinity TP Volume 2
Ultimate X-Men Ultimate Collection TP Vol 03
Uncanny X-Men Sisterhood TPB
World of Warcraft HC Vol 2
World of Warcraft TPB Vol 1
X-Force Cable Messiah War HC
X-Force TP Vol 02 Old Ghosts
A D New Orleans After Deluge GN
Authority Worlds End TP Book 1
Avengers Initiative Prem HC Disassembled
Cable Waiting for the End of the World TPB Volume 2
Complete Transformers ARK TPB
Cybertronian Transformers Guide PKT Manga Volume 1
Gantz TP Vol 06
Ghost Rider Trials and Tribulations TPB
Ikigami Ultimate Limit GN Vol 2
Immortal Iron Fist Prem HC Vol 05
Jennifers Body HC
Killer of Demons TP
MMW Incredible Hulk TP Vol 1
Reign in Hell TP
Secret Six Unhinged TP
Showcase Presents Eclipso TP
Stuffed GN
Tales from Wonderland TPB Vol 1
Transformers Best of the UK Omnibus
Transformers More than Meets the Eye Vol 1 TPB
Trinity TP Volume 2
Ultimate X-Men Ultimate Collection TP Vol 03
Uncanny X-Men Sisterhood TPB
World of Warcraft HC Vol 2
World of Warcraft TPB Vol 1
X-Force Cable Messiah War HC
X-Force TP Vol 02 Old Ghosts
Marvel Previews #73
Previews #8
Tomarts Action Figure Digest #179
Wizard the Guide to Comics #216 captain america cover
Wizard the Guide to Comics #216 fall tv preview cover
Wizard the Guide to Comics #216 marvel ultimate alliance cover
Marvel Previews #73
Previews #8
Tomarts Action Figure Digest #179
Wizard the Guide to Comics #216 captain america cover
Wizard the Guide to Comics #216 fall tv preview cover
Wizard the Guide to Comics #216 marvel ultimate alliance cover
Bart Simpson Comics #49
Batman Brave and the Bold #8
Betty and Veronica #243
Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam #7
Finding Nemo Reef Rescue #1
Incredibles #0 cover a
Incredibles #0 cover b
Incredibles #0 incentive cover
Jugheads Double Digest #153
Marvel Adventures Spider-Man #54
Muppet Show TPB
Sonic Universe #7
Toy Story Mysterious Stranger TPB
Bart Simpson Comics #49
Batman Brave and the Bold #8
Betty and Veronica #243
Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam #7
Finding Nemo Reef Rescue #1
Incredibles #0 cover a
Incredibles #0 cover b
Incredibles #0 incentive cover
Jugheads Double Digest #153
Marvel Adventures Spider-Man #54
Muppet Show TPB
Sonic Universe #7
Toy Story Mysterious Stranger TPB