Esta es la lista de los comics nuevos en inglés para esta semana.
Entre lo sobresaliente se encuentra
De Marvel
Infinity 1 con diversas portadas y variantes. Thanos ha llegado y quiere conquistar la tierra. Mientras los Avengers se encuentran a lo largo de la galaxia.
De DC tenemos Justice League of America 7 continuando Trinity War , quien manipuló a Superman? Catwoman seduciendo a the House of Secrets?
También esta semana Killjoys # 3 con la buscada serie de Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance) continua con más sorpresas.
Para informes y mayores detalles de nuestros productos escribenos a comicsmexico@gmail.com
o en http://www.facebook.com/comicsmexico
Astonishing X-Men #65 |
Avengers Arena #13 |
Deadpool #14 vol 5 |
Dexter #1 second print |
Fantastic Four #11 vol 4 |
Fearless Defenders #8 |
Infinity #1 |
Infinity #1 blank cover |
Infinity #1 design cover |
Infinity #1 djurdjevic cover |
Infinity #1 generals cover |
Infinity #1 hero cover |
Infinity #1 hero sketch cover |
Infinity #1 party cover |
Scarlet Spider #20 vol 2 |
Secret Avengers #7 |
Superior Spider-Man Team Up #2 |
Thor God of Thunder #11 |
Ultimate Comics X-Men #30 |
Uncanny X-Force #10 vol 2 |
Uncanny X-Men #10 vol 3 |
Uncanny X-Men #10 vol 3 50th anniversary cover |
Wolverine #8 vol 4 |
Wolverine #8 vol 4 8-bit cover |
Wolverine and the X-Men #34 |
DC |
Astro City #3 |
Batgirl #23 vol 4 |
Batman #23 |
Batman #23 variant cover |
Batman #23 b&w variant cover |
Batman Arkham Unhinged #17 |
Batman Arkham Unhinged #17 variant cover |
Batman Lil Gotham #5 |
Constantine #6 |
Demon Knights #23 |
Django Unchained #6 |
Green Lantern Corps #23 |
Green Lantern Corps #23 variant cover |
Justice League of America #7 vol 4 |
Justice League of America #7 vol 4 we can be heroes blank |
Justice League of America #7 vol 4 variant cover |
Justice League of America #7 vol 4 b&w variant cover |
Katana #7 |
Nightwing #23 vol 2 |
Smallville Season 11 #16 |
Suicide Squad #23 vol 3 |
Superboy #23 vol 5 |
Threshold #8 |
Wake #2 second print |
Worlds Finest #15 |
100 Penny Press Star Trek #1 |
A1 #3 |
Archer & Armstrong #12 vol 2 |
Archer & Armstrong #12 vol 2 doe variant |
Battlestar Galactica #3 vol 3 |
Battlestar Galactica #3 vol 3 eliopoulos cover |
Battlestar Galactica #3 vol 3 ross sketch cover |
Breath of Bones a Tale of the Golem #3 |
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 Freefall #24 jeanty cover |
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 Freefall #24 noto cover |
Charismagic Death Princess #3 cover a randolph |
Charismagic Death Princess #3 cover b lopez |
Charismagic Death Princess #3 cover c mahan |
Chronos Commandos Dawn Patrol #2 |
Damsels Mermaids #4 |
Deathmatch #8 cover a |
Deathmatch #8 cover b |
Deathmatch #8 morgue cover |
Dejah Thoris and Green Men of Mars #5 |
Dejah Thoris and Green Men of Mars #5 garza cover |
Dejah Thoris and Green Men of Mars #5 geovanni cover |
Dejah Thoris and Green Men of Mars #5 reis cover |
Dejah Thoris and Green Men of Mars #5 subscription cover |
Doctor Who vol 3 #12 cover a |
Doctor Who vol 3 #12 cover b |
Doomsday .1 #4 |
East of West #4 second print |
East of West #5 |
Fubar By The Sword #1 |
Ghosted #1 second print |
Ghosted #2 |
GI Joe Special Missions #6 volume 2 cover a |
GI Joe Special Missions #6 volume 2 cover b |
GI Joe Special Missions #6 volume 2 incentive cover |
Gold Digger #202 |
Great Pacific #9 |
Grimm #4 |
Grimm #4 photo cover |
Grimm Fairy Tales Demons Unseen #3 cover a |
Grimm Fairy Tales Demons Unseen #3 cover b |
Grimm Fairy Tales Demons Unseen #3 cover c |
Half Past Danger #4 |
Half Past Danger #4 subscription variant |
Halo Initiation #1 |
Halo Initiation #1 variant cover |
Harbinger #15 vol 2 |
Harbinger #15 vol 2 evans variant |
Harbinger #15 vol 2 hughes variant |
Harbinger #15 vol 2 pullbox variant |
Herobear and the Kid Inheritance #1 |
Herobear and the Kid Inheritance #1 variant cover |
Knights of the Dinner Table #200 |
Last of US American Dreams #1 third print |
Last of US American Dreams #2 second print |
Last of US American Dreams #3 second print |
Last Zombie the End #3 |
Lost Vegas #4 cover a lee |
Lost Vegas #4 cover b salas |
Lost Vegas #4 phnatom variant |
Lost Vegas #4 variant cover |
Mind the Gap #12 cover a esquejo |
Mind the Gap #12 cover b gaydos |
Outliers #1 |
Peter Panzerfaust #13 |
Red Sonja #2 vol 5 cover a |
Red Sonja #2 vol 5 cover b |
Red Sonja #2 vol 5 red cover |
Red Sonja #2 vol 5 subscription cover |
Red Sonja #2 vol 5 black & white cover |
Resident Alien Suicide Blonde #0 |
Saga #13 |
Savage Dragon #190 |
Savage Dragon #190 limited edition digest |
Shadow Green Hornet Dark Nights #2 cassaday cover |
Shadow Green Hornet Dark Nights #2 ross cover |
Shadow Green Hornet Dark Nights #2 subscription cover |
Six Gun Gorilla #3 |
Spawn #234 |
Spawn #234 mcfarlane black and white incentive cover |
Star Trek #24 ongoing |
Star Trek #24 ongoing incentive cover a |
Star Trek #24 ongoing incentive cover b |
Star Wars #8 vol 3 |
Steampunk Corsairs #1 |
Supurbia #10 vol 2 |
Thunder Agents #1 vol 5 cover a |
Thunder Agents #1 vol 5 cover b |
Thunder Agents #1 vol 5 cover c |
Thunder Agents #1 vol 5 cover d |
Thunder Agents #1 vol 5 subscription cover |
Thunder Agents #1 vol 5 variant cover |
True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys #3 |
True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys #3 variant cover |
Vampirella Southern Gothic #1 |
Vampirella Southern Gothic #1 subscription cover |
Walking Dead #113 |
Watson And Holmes #2 |
Westward #5 |
Wild Blue Yonder #1 second print |
Wonderland #13 cover a |
Wonderland #13 cover b |
Wonderland #13 cover c |
X #4 vol 2 |
X-Files Season 10 #1 second print |
X-Files Season 10 #2 second print |
X-Files Season 10 #3 cover a |
X-Files Season 10 #3 cover b |
X-Files Season 10 #3 incentive cover |
X-Files Season 10 #3 subscription variant |
Alpha Big Time TPB |
Avengers Assemble Science Bros TPB |
Bad Break HC |
Best Of Archie Comics Vol 3 TPB |
BPRD Hell On Earth Vol 6 Return Of The Masters TPB |
Btooom Vol 3 TPB |
Children Of Palomar HC |
Dr Strange And Dr Doom Triumph And Torment TPB |
EC Al Feldstein Child Of Tomorrow HC |
EC Johnny Craig Fall Guy For Murder HC |
Essential Fantastic Four Vol 9 TPB |
Ex Sanguine TPB |
Fearless Defenders Vol 1 Doom Maidens TPB |
First X-men TPB |
Flash Vol 1 Move Forward TPB |
Flash Vol 2 Rogues Revolution HC |
Frank Cho Women Drawings & Illustrations Vol 2 TPB |
Gahan Wilson Sunday Comics HC |
Gi Joe Vol 1 Homefront TPB |
Invincible Compendium Vol 2 TPB |
Judge Vol 1 TPB |
Knights Of Sidonia Vol 4 TPB |
Kiss Solo TPB |
Magi Vol 1 TPB |
Mark Schultz Xenozoic Tales Artist ED HC |
Mike Nortons Battlepug Vol 2 HC |
My Little Pony Digest Vol 1 TPB |
Nightwing Old Friends New Enemies TPB |
One Trick Rip Off Deep Cuts TPB |
Prince Valiant Vol 7 1949-1950 HC |
Right State TPB |
Rubicon HC |
Smallville Season 11 Vol 2 Detective TPB |
Thunder Agents Classics Vol 1 TPB |
Tiger And Bunny Comic Anthology Vol 1 TPB |
Transformers Dark Prelude TPB |
Walking Dead Days Of Survival Calendar 2014 |
What Is Above HC |
Wolverine Vol 1 Hunting Season TPB |
Adventure Time Candy Capers #2 cover a |
Adventure Time Candy Capers #2 cover b |
Adventure Time Candy Capers #2 maynard cover |
Adventure Time Candy Capers #2 salume cover |
Archie and Friends Double Digest #30 |
Garfield Pet Force Special #1 |
Jugheads Double Digest #195 |
Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man Adventures #17 |
My Little Pony Cover Gallery #1 |
SpongeBob Comics #23 |
Comic Shop News |