WOLVERINE 72, parte penúltima de Old man Logan. (La última parte se publicara en Giant Sized Wolverine: Old Man Logan, todavia sin fecha de salida por parte de Marvel)
Green Lantern 41, Agente Orange parte 3.
Trinity 52 : al fin termina, con una portada gatefold de Superman, Batman y Wonder Woman de Mark Bagley
Amazing Spider-Man #595
Amazing Spider-Man #595 incentive
Avengers Invaders #11
Avengers Invaders #11 incentive
Avengers The Initiative #24
Dark Reign Elektra #3
Dark Reign The Hood #1
Enders Shadow Battle School #5
Ghost Rider #35
Guardians of the Galaxy #14
Immortal Iron Fist #26
Incredible Hercules #129
Lords of Avalon Knights of Darkness #6
Marvel Apes Grunt Line Special
Moon Knight #30
Ms. Marvel #39
New Avengers #53
New Avengers #53 incentive
Nova #25
Runaways #10
Secret Invasion Chronicles #3 (of 9)
Spider-Man the Short Halloween
Squadron Supreme #11
The Stand American Nightmares #3
The Stand: American Nightmares #3 bermejo sketch variant
The Stand: American Nightmares #3 perkins variant
Thor #601 2nd print djurdjevic variant
Ultimate Wolverine vs Hulk #6
War Machine #6
Wolverine #72
Wolverine First Class #15
Wolverine Origins #36
X-Force #14 2nd print
X-Force #15
X-Men Future History-The Messiah War Sourcebook
X-Men Legacy #224
Batman in Barcelona Dragons Knight
Final Crisis Aftermath Ink #1 (of 6)
Gotham Gazette Batman Alive #1
Green Lantern #38 2nd print
Green Lantern #39 2nd print
Green Lantern #40 2nd print
Green Lantern #41
Green Lantern #41 Variant
Justice League of America #33
Justice Society of America #27
Last Days of Animal Man #1 (of 6)
Resistance #6
Superman #688
Teen Titans #71
The Spirit #28
Trinity #52
Wonder Woman #32
Wonder Woman #32 incentive
Batman in Barcelona Dragons Knight
Final Crisis Aftermath Ink #1 (of 6)
Gotham Gazette Batman Alive #1
Green Lantern #38 2nd print
Green Lantern #39 2nd print
Green Lantern #40 2nd print
Green Lantern #41
Green Lantern #41 Variant
Justice League of America #33
Justice Society of America #27
Last Days of Animal Man #1 (of 6)
Resistance #6
Superman #688
Teen Titans #71
The Spirit #28
Trinity #52
Wonder Woman #32
Wonder Woman #32 incentive
Literals #2 (of 3)
Madame Xanadu #11
Northlanders #17
Unknown Soldier #8
Fringe #5
Wildcats Worlds End #11
Literals #2 (of 3)
Madame Xanadu #11
Northlanders #17
Unknown Soldier #8
Fringe #5
Wildcats Worlds End #11
Aliens #1 (of 4)
Aliens #1 incentive, only 400 made
Astounding Wolf-Man #16
Astounding Wolf-Man #16 incentive
Back To Brooklyn #5
Crossed #5
Crossed #5 incentive cvr
Crossed #5 wrap cvr
Darkness #77
Dellec #0
Eureka Dormant Gene #2
Fall of Cthulhu Nemesis #2 cover B
Fall of Cthulhu Nemesis #2 orange
Farscape #4 2nd print
Farscape Dargos Lament #2 cover B
Farscape Dargos Lament #2 heads
Fathom #7 ale garza cover
Fathom #7 marcus cover
Garth Ennis Battlefields Tankies #2
Glamourpuss #7
Godland #28
Hero Squared Love and Death #3
Ignition City #3
Ignition City #3 painted cvr
Ignition City #3 wraparound cvr
Ignition City #3 incentive cvr
Impaler #3
Mouse Guard Winter 1152 #6
Muppet Robin Hood #1 little john
Muppet Robin Hood #1 merry muppets
Rapture #1 (of 6) maleev cvr
Rapture #1 (of 6) oeming cvr
Red Sonja #44 adrian cvr
Red Sonja #44 herbert cvr
Red Sonja #44 neves cvr
Robert Jordans New Spring #6
Star Wars Legacy #36
Starcraft #1
Starcraft #1 incentive
Sword #17
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #56 cover up
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #56 sword
Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Movie Adaptation #2 Nizzi Cvr
Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Movie Adaptation #2 Photo Cvr
Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Movie Adaptation Incentive
Usagi Yojimbo #120
Aliens #1 (of 4)
Aliens #1 incentive, only 400 made
Astounding Wolf-Man #16
Astounding Wolf-Man #16 incentive
Back To Brooklyn #5
Crossed #5
Crossed #5 incentive cvr
Crossed #5 wrap cvr
Darkness #77
Dellec #0
Eureka Dormant Gene #2
Fall of Cthulhu Nemesis #2 cover B
Fall of Cthulhu Nemesis #2 orange
Farscape #4 2nd print
Farscape Dargos Lament #2 cover B
Farscape Dargos Lament #2 heads
Fathom #7 ale garza cover
Fathom #7 marcus cover
Garth Ennis Battlefields Tankies #2
Glamourpuss #7
Godland #28
Hero Squared Love and Death #3
Ignition City #3
Ignition City #3 painted cvr
Ignition City #3 wraparound cvr
Ignition City #3 incentive cvr
Impaler #3
Mouse Guard Winter 1152 #6
Muppet Robin Hood #1 little john
Muppet Robin Hood #1 merry muppets
Rapture #1 (of 6) maleev cvr
Rapture #1 (of 6) oeming cvr
Red Sonja #44 adrian cvr
Red Sonja #44 herbert cvr
Red Sonja #44 neves cvr
Robert Jordans New Spring #6
Star Wars Legacy #36
Starcraft #1
Starcraft #1 incentive
Sword #17
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #56 cover up
Tarot Witch of the Black Rose #56 sword
Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Movie Adaptation #2 Nizzi Cvr
Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Movie Adaptation #2 Photo Cvr
Transformers Revenge of the Fallen Movie Adaptation Incentive
Usagi Yojimbo #120
Bart Simpson Son of Homer TP
Berserk Vol. 28 TPB
Comic Books 101 History & Method & Madness SC
Conan TP Vol 7
Dames Dolls and Gun Molls
DC Library Roots of the Swamp Thing HC
Dead At 17 Ultimate ED TP
Dead of Night TP Devil Slayer
Death Defying Devil TP Vol 1
Elephantmen HC Vol 02 Fatal Diseases
Essential X-Men vol 9 tpb
Garth Ennis Battlefields TP vol 2 Dear Billy
Ghost Rider Danny Ketch TP Addict
Guardians of the Galaxy HC Vol 2 War of Kings
Incredible Hercules Love & War TPB
KODT Bundle of Trouble Vol 26
Marvel Adventures TP Thor Digest
MMW Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2 TP
Moon Knight Vol 4 Death of Marc Spector TPB
My Inner Bimbo TP
Nancy Drew GN Vol 17
Power Up GN
Robin Teen Wonder TP
Sparrow John Watkis HC
Special Forces TP Vol 1
Spider-Man Noir Prem HC
Star Trek Omnibus Tp Vol 01
Star Wars Clone Wars TP Vol 03 Wind Raiders Taloraan
Star Wars Vector Vol 2 TPB Chapters 2 and 3
Static Shock Rebirth of the Cool TPB
This is a Souvenir Songs of Spearmint & Shirley Lee Gn
Trinity TPB Vol 01
Wonder Woman Love and Murder TPB
World of Warcraft Ashbringer HC
X-Force Prem HC Vol 02 Old Ghosts
Bart Simpson Son of Homer TP
Berserk Vol. 28 TPB
Comic Books 101 History & Method & Madness SC
Conan TP Vol 7
Dames Dolls and Gun Molls
DC Library Roots of the Swamp Thing HC
Dead At 17 Ultimate ED TP
Dead of Night TP Devil Slayer
Death Defying Devil TP Vol 1
Elephantmen HC Vol 02 Fatal Diseases
Essential X-Men vol 9 tpb
Garth Ennis Battlefields TP vol 2 Dear Billy
Ghost Rider Danny Ketch TP Addict
Guardians of the Galaxy HC Vol 2 War of Kings
Incredible Hercules Love & War TPB
KODT Bundle of Trouble Vol 26
Marvel Adventures TP Thor Digest
MMW Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2 TP
Moon Knight Vol 4 Death of Marc Spector TPB
My Inner Bimbo TP
Nancy Drew GN Vol 17
Power Up GN
Robin Teen Wonder TP
Sparrow John Watkis HC
Special Forces TP Vol 1
Spider-Man Noir Prem HC
Star Trek Omnibus Tp Vol 01
Star Wars Clone Wars TP Vol 03 Wind Raiders Taloraan
Star Wars Vector Vol 2 TPB Chapters 2 and 3
Static Shock Rebirth of the Cool TPB
This is a Souvenir Songs of Spearmint & Shirley Lee Gn
Trinity TPB Vol 01
Wonder Woman Love and Murder TPB
World of Warcraft Ashbringer HC
X-Force Prem HC Vol 02 Old Ghosts
Comic Shop News
Doctor Who Magazine #408
Lost Official Magazine Vol 2 newstand
Marvel Previews #70
Non Sports Update #3
Previews #6
Spider-Man Magazine #6
Star Wars Insider #109 px ed
Wizard the Guide to Comics #213 obama cvr
Wizard the Guide to Comics #213 pacheco avengers cvr
Wizard the Guide to Comics #213 transformers cvr
Comic Shop News
Doctor Who Magazine #408
Lost Official Magazine Vol 2 newstand
Marvel Previews #70
Non Sports Update #3
Previews #6
Spider-Man Magazine #6
Star Wars Insider #109 px ed
Wizard the Guide to Comics #213 obama cvr
Wizard the Guide to Comics #213 pacheco avengers cvr
Wizard the Guide to Comics #213 transformers cvr