sábado, 29 de agosto de 2015
martes, 28 de julio de 2015
Esto es lo nuevo para la semana.
Los esperamos.
New Releases - Wednesday, March 26, 2025
jueves, 12 de febrero de 2015
Entre lo sobresaliente se encuentra
STAR WARS 1 con su regreso a Marvel .
BATGIRL 38 sigue el nuevo equipo artistico.
Para mayores informes escribenos ..
STAR WARS 1 con su regreso a Marvel .
BATGIRL 38 sigue el nuevo equipo artistico.
Para mayores informes escribenos ..
All New Captain America #3 |
All New Captain America #3 adams cover |
All New Captain America #3 in variant cover |
All New Captain America #3 welcome home cover |
All New Ultimates #12 |
Amazing X-Men #15 vol 2 |
Amazing X-Men #15 vol 2 welcome home cover |
Avengers #34.2 vol 6 |
Avengers #34.2 vol 6 araujo variant cover |
Avengers #40 vol 6 |
Avengers #40 vol 6 in variant cover |
Avengers #40 vol 6 welcome home cover |
Captain Marvel #11 vol 7 |
Cyclops #9 vol 3 |
Daredevil #12 vol 4 |
Daredevil #12 vol 4 welcome home cover |
Deadpool #40 vol 5 |
Deadpool #40 vol 5 welcome home cover |
Deathlok #4 vol 5 |
Deathlok #4 vol 5 buckler variant cover |
Empire of the Dead Act Two #5 |
Ghost Rider #10 vol 6 |
Guardians 3000 #4 |
Guardians 3000 #4 sandoval cover |
Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man #9 |
Nightcrawler #10 vol 4 |
Shield #2 vol 3 |
Shield #2 vol 3 ramos cover |
Shield #2 vol 3 welcome home cover |
Silver Surfer #8 vol 6 |
Spider-Verse #2 |
Star Wars #1 vol 4 |
Star Wars #1 vol 4 action figure cover |
Star Wars #1 vol 4 blank cover |
Star Wars #1 vol 4 campbell connecting cover |
Star Wars #1 vol 4 cassady teaser cover |
Star Wars #1 vol 4 hasbro cover |
Star Wars #1 vol 4 mcleod variant cover |
Star Wars #1 vol 4 movie cover |
Star Wars #1 vol 4 party sketch cover |
Star Wars #1 vol 4 party variant cover |
Star Wars #1 vol 4 pichelli cover |
Star Wars #1 vol 4 premiere variant cover |
Star Wars #1 vol 4 quesada variant cover |
Star Wars #1 vol 4 quesada sketch cover |
Star Wars #1 vol 4 ross variant cover |
Star Wars #1 vol 4 ross sketch cover |
Star Wars #1 vol 4 young variant cover |
Thanos VS Hulk #2 |
Thanos VS Hulk #2 lim variant cover |
Wolverines #2 |
Wolverines #2 maleev cover |
X-Force #14 vol 4 |
DC |
Arrow Season 2.5 #4 |
Astro City #19 |
Batgirl #38 vol 4 |
Batgirl #38 vol 4 blank cover |
Batgirl #38 vol 4 flash variant cover |
Batman Eternal #41 |
Constantine #21 |
Earth 2 Worlds End #15 |
Grayson #6 |
Grayson #6 flash variant cover |
Green Lantern #38 combo pack |
Green Lantern Corps #38 |
Green Lantern Corps #38 flash variant cover |
Injustice Gods Among Us Year Three #7 |
Justice League United #8 |
Justice League United #8 variant cover |
Justice League United #8 flash 75 variant cover |
Klarion #4 |
Mortal Kombat X #1 cover a scorpion |
Mortal Kombat X #1 cover b sub zero |
Mortal kombat X #1 variant cover |
New 52 Futures End #37 |
New Suicide Squad #6 |
Smallville Season 11 Continuity #2 |
Superman Wonder Woman #15 |
Superman Wonder Woman #15 combo pack |
Superman Wonder Woman #15 flash variant cover |
Worlds Finest #30 |
Fables the Wolf Among Us #1 |
Fables the Wolf Among Us #1 variant cover |
FBP fedral Bureau Of Physics #17 |
A Voice in the Dark Get Your Gun #2 cover a |
A Voice in the Dark Get Your Gun #2 cover b |
Abe Sapien #19 |
Alice Cooper #5 |
Alien Vs Predator Fire And Stone #4 |
Battlestar Galactica Death of Apollo #2 cover a |
Battlestar Galactica Death of Apollo #2 subscription cover |
Boom Box 2014 Mix Tape #1 |
Boom Box 2014 Mix Tape #1 variant cover |
Conan Red Sonja #1 |
Copperhead #5 |
Damsels in Excess #4 cover a |
Damsels in Excess #4 cover b |
Damsels in Excess #4 variant cover |
Death Defying Dr Mirage #5 cover a |
Deep State #3 |
Deep State #3 trakhanov variant cover |
Doctor Who 10th Doctor #6 |
Doctor Who 10th Doctor #6 subscription cover |
Doctor Who 10th Doctor #6 variant cover |
Evil Ernie #3 vol 4 cover a |
Evil Ernie #3 vol 4 cover b |
Evil Ernie #3 vol 4 subscription cover |
Ex Con #5 |
Fuse #9 |
Ghosted #16 |
Gold Digger #217 |
Grimm Fairy Tales Cinderella #3 cover a |
Grimm Fairy Tales Cinderella #3 cover b |
Grimm Fairy Tales Cinderella #3 cover c |
Grimm Fairy Tales Cinderella #3 cover d |
Grimm Fairy Tales Tales from Oz #6 cover a |
Grimm Fairy Tales Tales from Oz #6 cover b |
Grimm Fairy Tales Tales from Oz #6 cover c |
Hexed #6 |
Holmes vs Houdini #3 cover a |
Holmes vs Houdini #3 cover b |
Jupiters Legacy #5 cover a |
Jupiters Legacy #5 cover b |
Jupiters Legacy #5 cover c |
Knights of the Dinner Table #216 |
Lazarus #14 vol 2 |
Lone Ranger Vindicated #3 |
Mercy Thompson #4 |
Plume #2 vol 2 |
Q2 Rtn Quantum & Woody #4 cover a |
Rai #6 cover a |
Rai #6 cover b |
Rai #6 cover c |
Rai #6 mack variant cover |
Rat Queens Special Braga #1 cover a |
Rat Queens Special Braga #1 cover b |
Resurrectionists #3 |
San Hannibel #5 |
Savage Dragon #201 |
Shutter #8 cover a |
Shutter #8 cover b |
Star Trek #40 ongoing |
Star Trek #40 ongoing subscription cover |
Stumptown #5 vol 3 |
Suicide Risk #21 |
Superannuated Man #5 |
Supreme Blue Rose #6 |
Teen Dog #5 |
Ten Grand #12 |
Terrible Lizard #3 |
Thomas Alsop #8 |
Twilight Zone #11 vol 4 |
Vampirella #100 cover a |
Vampirella #100 cover b |
Vampirella #100 cover c |
Vampirella #100 cover d |
Verotik World #4 wierd voodoo |
Walking Dead #136 |
Wilds End #5 |
Wonderland #31 cover a |
Wonderland #31 cover b |
Wonderland #31 cover c |
WWE #11 |
X #21 |
American Vampire Vol 7 HC |
Animal Man Vol 7 Red Plague TPB |
Avengers Time Runs Out Vol 1 PREM HC |
Batman Black And White Vol 4 TPB |
Bravest Warriors Vol 4 TPB |
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 9 Library Vol 1 HC |
Classics Illustrated Vol 12 Monkey God DLX HC |
Considering Watchmen TPB |
Crossed Vol 11 TPB |
Deathlok Souls Of Cyber Folk TPB |
Doctor Solar Archives Vol 4 TPB |
Doctor Who Mini Notebook River Song Journal |
Doctor Who Mini Notebook Tardis |
Flash Vol 4 Reverse TPB |
Gold Metal Rabbit HC |
Green Lantern Corps Vol 5 Uprising TPB |
Henshin TPB |
Iron Man Vol 4 Iron Metropolitan TPB |
Manifest Destiny Vol 2 TPB |
Michael Jordon Bull On Parade HC |
My Neighbor Seki Vol 1 TPB |
Phantom Stranger Vol 3 TPB |
Plants Vs Zombies Timepocalypse HC |
Rachel Rising Vol 5 Night Cometh TPB |
Run Like Crazy Run Like Hell HC |
Sam Zabel And The Magic Pen HC |
Secret Service Kingsman TPB movie edition |
Stray Bullets Vol 6 Killers TPB |
Supergirl Vol 5 Red Daughter Of Krypton TPB |
Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 Good Bad Inhuman TPB |
Veil HC |
Walking Man HC |
Adventure Time Marceline Gone Adrift #1 cover a |
Adventure Time Marceline Gone Adrift #1 cover b |
Adventure Time Marceline Gone Adrift #1 subscription cover |
Adventure Time Marceline Gone Adrift #1 variant cover a |
Adventure Time Marceline Gone Adrift #1 variant cover b |
Bravest Warriors #28 cover a |
Bravest Warriors #28 cover b |
Doodle Jump #5 |
Fraggle Rock Journey Everspring #4 |
Itty Bitty Comics The Mask #3 |
Jughead & Archie Comics Digest #9 |
Lets Dance Snoopy 65 Years Of Peanuts TPB |
Marvel Universe Avengers Assemble Season Two #3 |
Regular Show #19 |
Regular Show #19 subscription cover |
Regular Show #19 andrewson variant cover |
Scooby Doo Where Are You #53 |
SpongeBob Comics #40 |
Steven Universe #6 |
martes, 6 de enero de 2015
Feliz año a todos nuestros clientes.
Estos son los comics nuevos para esta semana
Los tendremos a la venta esta semana el MIERCOLES al abrir a las 10 am
Entre lo sobresaliente
AMAZING SPIDERMAN 12 , parte 4 de SPIDERVERSE con un final sorpresivo.
SPIDERMAN 2099 7 con la autopsia a uno de los SPIDERLAYERS
Green Lantern 38 con un epilogo de Godhead
También esta semana tendremos ya las portadas del 75 aniversario de Flash comenzando con Detective Comics, Action Comics y Green Lantern
Para mayores informes, suscripciones, escribenos por INBOX o a comicsmexico@gmail.com o visitanos en nuestra tienda en Avenida Revolución 50
Estos son los comics nuevos para esta semana
Los tendremos a la venta esta semana el MIERCOLES al abrir a las 10 am
Entre lo sobresaliente
AMAZING SPIDERMAN 12 , parte 4 de SPIDERVERSE con un final sorpresivo.
SPIDERMAN 2099 7 con la autopsia a uno de los SPIDERLAYERS
Green Lantern 38 con un epilogo de Godhead
También esta semana tendremos ya las portadas del 75 aniversario de Flash comenzando con Detective Comics, Action Comics y Green Lantern
Para mayores informes, suscripciones, escribenos por INBOX o a comicsmexico@gmail.com o visitanos en nuestra tienda en Avenida Revolución 50
All New X-Factor #19 |
Amazing Spider-Man #12 vol 3 |
Amazing Spider-Man #12 vol 3 dellotto cover |
Amazing Spider-Man #12 vol 3 in variant cover |
Amazing Spider-Man #12 vol 3 wamester variant cover |
Angela Asgards Assassin #2 |
Angela Asgards Assassin #2 choi cover |
Angela Asgards Assassin #2 welcome home cover |
Ant-Man #1 |
Ant-Man #1 in variant |
Ant-Man #1 movie cover |
Ant-Man #1 pearson cover |
Ant-Man #1 samnee cover |
Ant-Man #1 shriking cover |
Ant-Man #1 welcome home cover |
Ant-Man #1 young cover |
Avengers No More Bullying #1 |
Avengers No More Bullying #1 variant cover |
Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier #3 |
Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier #3 ward cover |
Death of Wolverine Weapon X Program #5 |
Hawkeye vs Deadpool #4 |
Hawkeye vs Deadpool #4 in variant cover |
Hulk #10 vol 5 |
Hulk #10 vol 5 in variant cover |
Iron Fist Living Weapon #8 |
Legendary Star Lord #7 |
Legendary Star Lord #7 in variant cover |
Legendary Star Lord #7 welcome home cover |
Marvels Avengers #2 |
Men of Wrath #4 |
Men of Wrath #4 lapham cover |
Miracleman #14 vol 2 |
Miracleman #14 vol 2 pichelli cover |
Miracleman #14 vol 2 weeks cover |
Operation Sin #1 |
Operation Sin #1 hardman cover |
Operation Sin #1 young cover |
Punisher #14 vol 7 |
Punisher #14 vol 7 in variant cover |
Spider-Man 2099 #7 vol 2 |
Storm #7 vol 2 |
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1 |
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1 adams cover |
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1 oum cover |
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #1 young cover |
Wolverines #1 |
Wolverines #1 blank cover |
Wolverines #1 canada cover |
Wolverines #1 dellotto cover |
Wolverines #1 howard variant cover |
Wolverines #1 welcome home cover |
Wolverines #1 young cover |
X-Men #23 2013 series |
DC |
Action Comics #38 |
Action Comics #38 flash variant |
Action Comics #38 variant |
Aquaman And The Others #9 |
Batman Eternal #40 |
Detective Comics #38 |
Detective Comics #38 combo pack |
Detective Comics #38 flash variant cover |
Detective Comics #38 variant cover |
Earth 2 #30 |
Earth 2 Worlds End #14 |
Fairest #33 |
Flash Season Zero #4 |
Green Arrow #38 vol 5 |
Green Lantern #38 |
Green Lantern #38 flash variant cover |
Hinterkind #14 |
Justice League 3000 #13 |
Legends of the Dark Knight 100 Page Super Spectacular #5 vol 2 |
Lobo #4 |
Names #5 |
New 52 Futures End #36 |
Swamp Thing #38 |
Wolf Moon #2 |
Angel And Faith Season 10 #10 cover a |
Angel And Faith Season 10 #10 cover b |
Army of Darkness #2 vol 4 cover a |
Army of Darkness #2 vol 4 cover b |
Army of Darkness #2 vol 4 subscription cover |
Army of Darkness #2 vol 4 seeley black and white variant cover |
Army of Darkness #2 vol 4 shaw virgin cover |
Birthright #4 |
Brainstorm #5 |
Captain Victory & the Galactic Rangers #4 |
Captain Victory & the Galactic Rangers #4 variant cover |
Chaos Smiley the Psychotic Button |
Crossed Badlands #69 |
Crossed Badlands #69 fatal fantasy cover |
Crossed Badlands #69 torture cover |
Crossed Badlands #69 wrap cover |
Deadly Class #10 |
Edward Scissorhands #3 |
Edward Scissorhands #3 subscription cover |
Elephantmen #61 |
Epochalypse #2 |
Escape From New York #2 cover a |
Escape From New York #2 cover b |
Escape From New York #2 panosian variant cover |
Eternal Warrior Days Of Steel #3 cover a |
Eternal Warrior Days Of Steel #3 variant cover |
Fade Out #4 |
Feathers #1 |
Feathers #1 variant cover a |
Feathers #1 variant cover b |
Fiction Squad #4 |
Ghost #11 |
Ghost Fleet #3 |
God Hates Astronauts #5 cover a |
God Hates Astronauts #5 cover b |
God is Dead #26 |
God is Dead #26 carnage wrap cover |
God is Dead #26 enchanting cover |
God is Dead #26 end of days cover |
God is Dead #26 iconic cover |
Grimm Fairy Tales #106 cover a |
Grimm Fairy Tales #106 cover b |
Grimm Fairy Tales #106 cover c |
Grimm Fairy Tales #106 cover d |
Grimm Fairy Tales Tales of Terror #6 cover a |
Grimm Fairy Tales Tales of Terror #6 cover b |
Grimm Fairy Tales Tales of Terror #6 cover c |
Hellboy And The Bprd #2 1952 |
Humans #3 |
Ixth Generation #1 |
Ixth Generation #1 variant cover a |
John Carter Warlord #3 cover a |
John Carter Warlord #3 cover b |
John Carter Warlord #3 cover c |
John Carter Warlord #3 subscription cover |
Lady Killer #1 |
Magnus Robot Fighter #10 vol 4 |
Magnus Robot Fighter #10 vol 4 subscription cover |
Maxx Maxximized #15 |
Maxx Maxximized #15 subscription cover |
Must Read Valiant Greatest Hits #2 |
Nailbiter #9 |
New Vampirella #8 cover a |
New Vampirella #8 cover b |
New Vampirella #8 subscription cover |
New Vampirella #8 mayhew virgin cover |
ODYC #2 |
ODYC #2 display variant |
Red Sonja Vultures Circle #1 cover a |
Red Sonja Vultures Circle #1 cover b |
Red Sonja Vultures Circle #1 cover c |
Robocop 2014 #7 |
Roche Limit #4 |
Shadow Show #3 |
Shadow Show #3 subscription cover |
Shaft #2 cover a |
Shaft #2 cover b |
Shaft #2 subscription cover |
Sinergy #3 cover a |
Sixth Gun Days of the Dead #4 |
Steam Tales #1 |
Tech Jacket #7 vol 2 |
Terminal Hero #5 |
Tooth & Claw #1 second print |
Trees #8 |
Uncle Grandpa #4 cover a |
Uncle Grandpa #4 cover b |
Uncle Grandpa #4 larsen variant |
Usagi Yojimbo Senso #6 |
V-Wars #9 |
V-Wars #9 subscription cover |
War Stories #4 |
War Stories #4 good girl nose art cover |
War Stories #4 wrap cover |
Weird Love #5 |
Woods #9 |
Absolute Batman Incorporated HC |
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2 Spider-Verse Prelude TPB |
Armor Hunters Bloodshot TPB |
Armor Hunters Harbiger TPB |
Bleach 3in1 Vol 10 TPB |
Casanova Complete HC Vol 2 |
Creeping Death From Neptune Basil Wolverton Vol 1 HC |
Deathblow Deluxe Edition TPB |
Death Of Wolverine HC |
Death Of Wolverine HC quesada variant |
Doctor Who Blood Of Azrael TPB |
Drug And Drop Vol 1 TPB |
EC Wally Wood Spawn of Mars HC |
Foolbert Funnies Histories & Fictions TPB |
Fungus The Unbearable Rot Of Being TPB |
Injustice Gods Among Us Vol 2 TPB |
Jaco Galactic Patrolman TPB |
Judge Dredd Vol 6 TPB |
Kingdom Of The Wicked HC |
Legendary A Steampunk Adventure TPB |
Lone Wolf & Cub Omnibus Vol 7 TPB |
Meteor Prince TPB |
Naruto 3in 1 Vol 10 TPB |
One Piece Vol 73 TPB |
Pariah Vol 3 TPB |
Punisher Vol 2 Border Crossing TPB |
Showcase Presents The Unknown Soldier Vol 2 TPB |
Sinestro Vol 1 The Demon Within TPB |
Sons Of Anarchy Vol 2 TPB |
Steve Canyon Vol 5 1955-1956 HC |
Sunglasses After Dark Full Blooded Collection HC |
Superman The Power Within TPB |
Tech Jacket Vol 3 TPB |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Classics Vol 9 TPB |
Tom Sutton Creepy Things Archive |
Uncanny Avengers Vol 5 Axis Prelude Prem HC |
Valerian Vol 8 Heroes Of Equinox |
Wake HC |
World Trigger Vol 2 TPB |
Angry Birds Comics #7 |
Angry Birds Comics #7 subscription cover |
Archie #663 |
Archie #663 variant cover |
Archie Comics Digest #257 |
Betty & Veronica #274 |
Betty & Veronica #274 variant cover |
Bravest Warriors Vol 4 TPB |
Garfield #33 |
Garfield #33 smith variant cover |
I am Jackie Robinson HC YR |
My Little Pony Friends Forever #13 |
My Little Pony Friends Forever #13 subscription cover |
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Vol 6 TPB |
Pokemon Adventures Black & White Vol 6 TPB |
Pokemon Adventures Vol 26 Emerald TPB |
Scooby Doo Team Up #8 |
SIP Kids #2 |
Skylanders #4 |
Skylanders #4 subscription cover |
Sonic Boom #3 |
Sonic Boom #3 variant cover |
Sonic Super Special Magazine #13 |
Sonic The Hedgehog Select Vol 10 TPB |
]Antes que nada muy feliz 2015 les deseamos sus amigos de Comics México
Entre los pocos comics que aparecen esta semana
Para mayores informes escribenos a comicsmexico@gmail.com o visitanos en nuestras dos ubicaciones.
Entre los pocos comics que aparecen esta semana
Para mayores informes escribenos a comicsmexico@gmail.com o visitanos en nuestras dos ubicaciones.
Miracleman Annual #1 |
Miracleman Annual #1 quesada cover |
Miracleman Annual #1 smith cover |
Shield #1 vol 3 |
Shield #1 vol 3 baby cover |
Shield #1 vol 3 blank cover |
Shield #1 vol 3 deodato cover |
Shield #1 vol 3 photo cover |
Shield #1 vol 3 young guns Asrar |
Shield #1 vol 3 young guns Marquez |
Shield #1 vol 3 young guns McNiven |
Shield #1 vol 3 young guns Pichelli |
Shield #1 vol 3 young guns Schitti |
Shield #1 vol 3 young guns Stegman |
DC |
Batman Eternal #39 |
Earth 2 Worlds End #13 |
New 52 Futures End #35 |
Abigail and the Snowman #1 |
East of West #16 cover a |
Image Firsts Wytches #1 |
Star Trek Planet of the Apes #1 blank cover |
Star Trek Planet of the Apes #1 cover a |
Star Trek Planet of the Apes #1 cover b |
Star Trek Planet of the Apes #1 subscription cover |
Entre lo sobresaliente
El final de AXIS , que cambios habrá? quien se mantendrá con cambios?
De DC los anuales de Batman, tie in de Endgame y Green Lantern Annual 3 con el final de God Head, también anuales de Catwoman, Grayson y Red Hood
Feliz navidad les desean sus amigos de Comics México
Para mayores informes escribenos o visitanos en nuestras dos ubicaciones.
El final de AXIS , que cambios habrá? quien se mantendrá con cambios?
De DC los anuales de Batman, tie in de Endgame y Green Lantern Annual 3 con el final de God Head, también anuales de Catwoman, Grayson y Red Hood
Feliz navidad les desean sus amigos de Comics México
Para mayores informes escribenos o visitanos en nuestras dos ubicaciones.
All New Captain America #1 second print |
All New Invaders #13 |
All New X-Factor #18 |
All New X-Men Annual #1 |
All New X-Men Annual #1 variant cover |
Avengers & X-Men Axis #9 |
Avengers & X-Men Axis #9 inversion cover |
Avengers & X-Men Axis #9 looper cover |
Captain America & Mighty Avengers #3 |
Captain America & Mighty Avengers #3 richardson cover |
Cyclops #8 vol 3 |
Daredevil #11 vol 4 |
Dark Tower Drawing of the Three Prisioner #5 |
Deadpool #39 vol 5 |
Death of Wolverine Logan Legacy #7 |
Hawkeye vs Deadpool #3 |
Loki Agent of Asgard #9 |
Magneto #13 vol 4 |
Marvels Avengers #1 |
New Avengers #28 vol 3 |
Nova #25 vol 5 |
Nova #25 vol 5 adams cover |
Secret Avengers #11 vol 3 |
She-Hulk #11 vol 5 |
Spider Woman #1 vol 6 second print |
Superior Iron Man #1 second print |
Superior Iron Man #3 |
Superior Iron Man #3 cinar cover |
Thor #1 vol 4 third print |
Uncanny X-Men #29 vol 3 |
Uncanny X-Men #29 vol 3 75th anniversary cover |
Uncanny X-Men #29 vol 3 75th anniversary sketch cover |
DC |
Aquaman #37 Vol 5 |
Aquaman #37 Vol 5 darwyn cooke variant cover |
Arkham Manor #3 |
Arkham Manor #3 variant cover |
Batman 66 #18 |
Batman Annual #3 |
Batman Eternal #38 |
Bodies #6 |
Catwoman Annual #2 vol 3 |
Deathstroke #3 vol 3 |
Deathstroke #3 vol 3 variant cover |
Earth 2 Worlds End #12 |
Flash #37 Vol 4 |
Flash #37 Vol 4 darwyn cooke variant cover |
Gotham by Midnight #2 |
Gotham by Midnight #2 variant cover |
Grayson annual #1 |
Green Lantern Annual #3 |
Harley Quinn #13 vol 2 |
Harley Quinn #13 vol 2 darwyn cooke variant cover |
Harley Quinn #13 vol 2 variant cover |
He-Man the Eternity War #1 |
He-Man the Eternity War #1 variant cover |
Infinity Man and the Forever People #6 |
Injustice Gods Among us Year Three #6 |
Justice League Dark #37 |
Justice League Dark #37 darwyn cooke variant |
New 52 Futures End #34 |
Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual #2 |
Red Lanterns #37 |
Robin Rises Alpha #1 |
Robin Rises Alpha #1 variant cover |
Secret Origins #8 vol 3 |
Sinestro #8 |
Sinestro #8 darwyn cooke variant cover |
Star Spangled War Stories GI Zombie #5 |
Superman #37 volume 3 |
Superman #37 volume 3 combo pack |
Superman #37 volume 3 darwyn cooke variant |
Superman #37 volume 3 romita janson variant cover |
Superman #37 volume 3 variant cover |
Superman Wonder Woman #14 |
Superman Wonder Woman #14 combo pack |
Superman Wonder Woman #14 darwyn cooke variant |
Dead Boy Detectives #12 |
Aliens Fire and Stone #4 |
Big Trouble in Little China #7 cover a |
Big Trouble in Little China #7 cover b |
Big Trouble in Little China #7 copeland cover |
Bionic Woman Season Four #4 |
Black Science #11 |
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #10 |
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #10 cover b |
Butterfly #4 |
Captain Midnight #18 |
Capture Creatures #2 cover a |
Capture Creatures #2 cover b |
Capture Creatures #2 bifano cover |
Capture Creatures #2 sorese cover |
Clive Barkers Nightbreed #8 |
Clive Barkers Nightbreed #8 mitten cover |
Colder Bad Seed #3 |
Conan Avenger #9 |
COWL #7 |
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes #2 |
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes #2 human nation cover |
Dead @ 17 Blastphemy Throne #5 |
Devilers #5 |
Doc Savage Special 2014 |
Doctor Who 11th Doctor #6 |
Doctor Who 11th Doctor #6 subscription photo cover |
Doctor Who 12th Doctor #3 |
Doctor Who 12th Doctor #3 subscription cover |
Doctor Who 12th Doctor #3 variant cover |
Evil Empire #9 |
Evil Within #4 |
Fathers Day #3 |
Fathom Sourcebook #1 |
Fight Like A Girl #2 |
Garbage Pail Kids Comic Book Puketacular #1 |
Garbage Pail Kids Comic Book Puketacular #1 blank cover |
Garbage Pail Kids Comic Book Puketacular #1 variant cover |
Gi Joe Vs Cobra Special #7 |
Gold Digger Christmas Special #8 |
Graveyard Shift #1 |
Great Pacific #18 |
Grimm Fairy Tales Dark Shaman #3 cover a |
Grimm Fairy Tales Dark Shaman #3 cover b |
Grimm Fairy Tales Dark Shaman #3 cover c |
Grimm Fairy Tales Jungle Book Fall Wild #1 cover a |
Grimm Fairy Tales Jungle Book Fall Wild #1 cover b |
Grimm Fairy Tales Jungle Book Fall Wild #1 cover c |
Grimm Fairy Tales Jungle Book Fall Wild #1 cover d |
Grimm Fairy Tales Robyn Hood #5 vol 2 cover a |
Grimm Fairy Tales Robyn Hood #5 vol 2 cover b |
Grimm Fairy Tales Robyn Hood #5 vol 2 cover c |
Grindhouse Drive In Bleed Out #2 |
Halo Escalation #13 |
Image Firsts Nailbiter #1 |
Image Firsts Southern Bastards #1 |
Judge Dredd #26 vol 7 |
Judge Dredd #26 vol 7 subscription cover |
Judge Dredd Anderson Psi Division #4 |
Judge Dredd Anderson Psi Division #4 subscription cover |
Judge Dredd Anderson Psi Division #4 variant cover |
Last Born #4 |
Letter 44 #13 |
Massive #30 |
Memetic #3 |
Mercenary Sea #8 |
Mind Mgmt #29 |
Outcast #6 2014 series |
Purgatori #4 vol 2 |
Purgatori #4 vol 2 chin cover |
Purgatori #4 vol 2 subscription cover |
Rasputin #3 |
Resurrectionists #2 |
Revival #26 |
Rot & Ruin #4 subscription cover |
Shadow 2014 |
Silent Hill Downpour Annes Story #4 |
Silent Hill Downpour Annes Story #4 subscription cover |
Sleepy Hollow #3 |
Sleepy Hollow #3 sammelin cover |
Sundowners #5 |
Super Dinosaur #23 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ghostbusters #3 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ghostbusters #3 subscription cover |
Terminator Salvation Final Battle #12 |
Theyre Not Like Us #1 |
TOMB RAIDER #11 vol 2 |
Unity #13 vol 2 cover a |
Unity #13 vol 2 cover b |
Unity #13 vol 2 variant cover |
Wonderland #30 cover a |
Wonderland #30 cover b |
Wonderland #30 cover c |
X-Files X-mas Special #1 |
X-Files X-mas Special #1 variant cover |
Zoohunters #2 cover a |
Zoohunters #2 cover b |
Zoohunters #2 variant cover |
Action Comics Vol 4 Hybrid TPB |
Action Comics Vol 5 What Lies Beneath HC |
All New X-Men Vol 4 All Different TPB |
Amazing X-Men Vol 2 World War Wendigo TPB |
Archer & Arstrong Vol 6 American Wasteland TPB |
Batman Arham Origins HC |
Captain America Vol 5 Tomorrow Soldier HC |
Ciudad HC |
Dark Engine Vol 1 Art Of Distruction TPB |
Doctor Spectre Vol 1 TPB |
Green Lantern Lights Out TPB |
House of Mystery Vol 7 Conception TPB |
Joe Kubert Enemy Ace Artist Ed HC |
Kenya Vol 1 Apparitions TPB |
Larfleeze Vol 2 The Face Of Greed TPB |
Lucifer Vol 5 TPB |
Manhattan Projects Vol 5 The Cold War TPB |
Nova Vol 4 Original Sin TPB |
Red Baron Vol 2 Rain Of Blood TPB |
Sunstone Vol 1 TPB |
Transformers Vs GI Joe Vol 1 TPB |
Adventure Time #35 cover a |
Adventure Time #35 giegerich cover |
Adventure Time #35 subscription cover |
Amazing World of Gumball #6 cover a |
Amazing World of Gumball #6 cover b |
Bee & Puppycat #7 cover a |
Bee & Puppycat #7 cover b |
Bee & Puppycat #7 fukushima cover |
Betty & Veronica Comics Digest #229 |
Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man Web Warriors #2 |
Mcbain #1 |
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic #26 cover a |
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic #26 cover b |
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic #26 variant cover |
Penguins Of Madagascar #2 |
Sonic Universe #71 |
Sonic Universe #71 variant cov |
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