Hola esto es lo nuevo.
Para esta semana tendremos otra dosis de FLASH POINT y de Fear itself
Salen los dos titulos FLASH POINT con el 2 y también con 4 miniseries y FEAR ITSELF con el 3.
Se espera una super reacción al FEAR ITSELF 3 algo esconde Marvel.
Amazing Spider-Man #663
Astonishing X-Men #39
Avengers Academy #14.1
Avengers Thor Captain America Official Index #14
Black Panther Man Without Fear #519 newsstand
Criminal Last of Innocent #1
Dark Tower Gunslinger Battle of Tull #1
Deadpool #38 newsstand
Fear Itself #3
Fear Itself #3 camuncoli variant cover
Fear Itself #3 immonen variant cover
Fear Itself Deep #1
Herc #4
Heroes for Hire #8 volume 4
Hulk #34
Invincible Iron Man #503 fear itself second print
Marvel Zombies Christmas Carol #1
Moon Knight #2
Ozma Of Oz #7
Shield #1 volume 2
Shield #1 volume 2 weaver historical variant cover
Spider-Man Power Comes Responsibility #3
Thunderbolts #158
Uncanny X-Force #11
Uncanny X-Force #11 brooks variant cover
Wolverine Hercules Myths Monsters and Mutants #4
X-23 #11
X-Factor #220
X-Men #12 2010 series
X-Men #12 2010 series medina variant cover
X-Men Great Power #1
Adventure Comics #527
Batman Beyond #6
DC Comics Presents Superman Infestation #1
DC Universe Online Legends #9
Flashpoint #2 2011 mini-series
Flashpoint #2 variant cover a
Flashpoint #2 variant cover b
Flashpoint Abin Sur the Green Lantern #1
Flashpoint Batman Knight of Vengance #1
Flashpoint Secret Seven #1
Flashpoint the Wolrld of Flashpoint #1
Green Lantern #64 second print
Green Lantern Corps #58 second print
Green Lantern Emerald Warriors #8 second print
Jonah Hex #68
Secret Six #34
Static Shock Special #1
Superboy #8 volume 4
Weird Worlds #6
Wonder Woman #611
Wonder Woman #611 garner variant cover
House of Mystery #38
I, Zombie #14
Sweet Tooth #22
30 Days of Night Again #2
30 Days of Night Again #2 furno variant cover
50 Girls 50 #1
Abattoir #5
Abyss Family Issues #4
Boys #55
BPRD Dead Remembered #3
Cavewoman Snow #1 budd root nude cover
Darkness #91
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? #23
Doctor Who Classics Series 4 #5
Dracula Company of Monsters #10
Fathom Primer #1
Fathom Volume 4 #0 cover a
Fathom Volume 4 #0 cover b
GI Joe vol 2 #2 cover a
GI Joe vol 2 #2 cover b
GI Joe vol 2 #2 variant cover
Green Hornet Year One #10
Green Hornet Year One #10 black & white variant cover
Grimm Fairy Tales #57 megacon exclusive cover
Grimm Fairy Tales #58 secret exclusive cover
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Neverland #0 noblehouse exclusive
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Neverland #0 nh exclusive nude
Hack Slash Meets Zombies Vs Cheeleaders #1 cover a
Hack Slash Meets Zombies Vs Cheeleaders #1 cover b
Hack Slash Meets Zombies Vs Cheeleaders #1 cover c
Hack Slash Meets Zombies Vs Cheeleaders #1 cover d
Halcyon #5
Haunt #16
Hellboy the Fury #1 francavilla cover
Hellboy the Fury #1 mignola cover
Honey West #4
Infinite Vacation #2 second print
Intrepids #4
Irredeemable #26 cover a
Irredeemable #26 cover b
Irredeemable #26 incentive cover
Kevin Smiths Kato #10 cover a
Kevin Smiths Kato #10 cover b
Kevin Smiths Kato #10 black & white cover
Lone Ranger Zorro The Death of Zorro #4 cover a
Lone Ranger Zorro The Death of Zorro #4 cover b
Lone Ranger Zorro The Death of Zorro #4 negative cover
Moon Girl #2
Ninjas Vs Zombies #1
Queen Sonja #17 cover a
Queen Sonja #17 cover b
Red Spike #2
Reed Gunther #1
Richelle Mead Dark Swan #1 Storm Born
Shinku #1
Solomon Kane Red Shadows #3 davis cover
Solomon Kane Red Shadows #3 manchess cover
Transformers ongoing #20 cover a
Transformers ongoing #20 cover b
Transformers ongoing #20 incentive cover
Turf #5
Victorian Secret Ladies of Steampunk One Shot
Walking Dead Survivors Guide #3
Walking Dead Weekly #22
Who is Jake Ellis #4
Witchfinder Lost and Gone Forever #5
Wynonna Earp Yeti Wars #2
Zombies Vs Cheerleaders #3 cover a
Zombies Vs Cheerleaders #3 cover b
Zombies Vs Cheerleaders #3 cover c
Zombies Vs Cheerleaders #3 cover d
Aliens Vs Predator Three World War TPB
Breed collection volume 01 Book of Genesis TPB
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 Vol 8 Last Gleaming TPB
Captain America Serve and Protect Premiere HC
Captain Britain HC volume 01 Birth of Legend
Celluloid HC
Citizen Rex HC
Congress of the Animals HC
Deadpool Classic Vol 5 TPB
Disneys Mickey Mouse Vol 1 Death Valley HC
Iron Man War of Iron Men TPB
Isle of 10000 Graves HC
Jurassic Park TPB Devils in the Desert
Life With Mister Dangerous GN
Merchant of Venice Campfire GN
New Avengers HC volume 06
Nick Cardy Artist at War HC Signed Edition
Osborn TPB Evil Incarcerated
Planetary Batman Deluxe HC
Romeo and Juliet Campfire GN
Stuck Rubber Baby SC new edition
Suicide Forest TPB
Superman New Krypton TPB volume 04
Thor TPB Thunderstrike
Tintin Young Readers edition GN Red Rackhams Treasure
Tintin Young Readers edition GN Secret of the Unicorn
Tooth HC
Walt Disney Comics & Stories Archives Vol 1 TPB
Wonder Woman HC volume 01 Odyssey
X-Men To Serve and Protect TPB
Betty #192
Betty and Veronica Double Digest #191
Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers #7 cover a
Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers #7 cover b
Life with Archie Married Life #10
Looney Tunes #199
Scooby Doo Where Are You #10
Sonic the Hedgehog #225
Sonic the Hedgehog #225 sketch gatefold cover
Uncle Scrooge #404
Walt Disneys Comics & Stories #719
Comic Shop News
Marvel Previews June 2011
Previews #273
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